Tuesday, 18 December 2012

two shooters in Sandy Hook Newton school massacre?

9:35:53 a.m. - Dispatch: “Sandy Hook School, Caller’s indicated she thinks someone is shooting in the building.”

9:36:15: “The individual I have on the phone is continuing to hear what he believes to be gun shots.”

9:38:10: “The shooting appears to have stopped. The school is in lock down.”

9:38:50: “We’ll stage up the SWAT and go from there.”

9:39:05: “Reports that teachers saw two shadows running, past the building, past the gym.”

Sandy Hook in dark knight rises batman movie

America and the weapons
"If that rouses not, then what?"
After the massacre of 20 dead children weapons opponents hope in the U.S. on a new era. The argument of self-defense moves not last. But the chances of success are low.

With the massacre at an elementary school in Newtown with 27 shades the debate about stricter gun laws in the United States is back in full swing. As so often happens after a school shooting in the U.S., dozens of people protested outside the White House in Washington with slogans like "Protect the children - now forbids weapons". "Mr. President, I pray that you act", it read on posters. "How young victims have to be and how many children have to die before we stop the spread of weapons in our country?" asked the chairman of the Children's Defense Fund, an organization for the protection of children.

Adam Lanza in Sandy Hook shooting conspiracy

Or opportunistic abuse by Obama
shooter kills 20 children in the U.S.
In a rampage at an elementary school in the U.S. state of Connecticut, 27 people have been killed. Among the dead were 20 children. Currently, there is massive confusion about the identity of the perpetrator.

The culprit in an undated image of a yearbook Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

The British "Sun" reported on Tuesday, 18 December. The windowless, bunker-like room where Adam Lanza hat.Der lived in the house his mother's killer was on an undated photo from a yearbook of the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.Ryan force ten years ago Lanzas Babysitter Nancy Lanza had the then 14 - or 15-year-old warned her son: "he just never turn his back on." This picture of Adam Lanza was released by law enforcement agencies and speaks of NBC News verbreitet.US President Barack Obama on 16 . 2012 December at a memorial service for the victims of the Sandy Hook School mourners condolences. In his speech, he was also self-critical: The U.S. failed their children adequately protected and that has to change, Obama said. Before his speech, Obama has the relatives of the 26 deaths (total of 27, Adam Lanza's mother included) and hit them with long gesprochen.Es there was an oppressive atmosphere in the hall, the mourning for the 27 victims was trying allgegenwärtig.Überall the people comfort each other to spenden.Die U.S. flag in front of the Sandy Hook Elementary School as all the flags blowing in the country waiting for Halbmast.Die residents of Newtown on the president. Everyone wants at a memorial there sein.Decken the Red Cross to help the wet and cold all day Wetter.Schon was in Newtown to the victims of the rampage getrauert.Die concern is grenzenlos.Die mother of the perpetrator, Nancy Lanza was the first victim of Adam. It should have been a Waffennärrin. Weapons were her hobby, an acquaintance described her passion for Schiesseisen.Das image has become an icon of the drama and is since Friday appeared on numerous newspaper and online fronts around the world. It shows Jillian Soto, the on.The informed by phone about the death of her sister, 27-year old Victoria Soto Victoria Soto was a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School. She has faced heroically between the perpetrators and their students. She died in Kugelhagel.Wenige hours before the arrival of U.S. President Barack Obama in Newtown on 16.12.12 is a church was evacuated after a threatening phone call. There was a threat from a caller. The Catholic Church was evakuiert.Der gunman Adam Lanza technology with interested colleagues from the "Techclub", a student union. The photograph comes from a yearbook of Newtown High School. Adam Lanza has been identified as the gunman according to police. The 20-year-old shot and killed on 14 December 2012 only at home and then at her school 20 children and six adults. Mother He then killed himself at vigils commemorate shocked the Americans at least 27 victims, as here in the New York Times Square.Die Church of Saint Rose of Lima in Newtown can not accommodate all participants in a vigil, some mourners have outside bleiben.In Hoboken, New Jersey report, reporter of a second crime scene. Lives in Hoboken the older brother of the perpetrator,

Monday, 17 December 2012

Adam Lanza the alleged shooter from Newton

Gunman Newtown Who was Adam Lanza?
He is the alleged gunman: The 20-year-old Adam Lanza. What is known about him and his family? What could have caused the disaster? The main informant is his brother Ryan. Malte Arnsperger

Newtown, on Friday morning. First, he apparently kills his mother. Then Adam Lanza driving her car to Sandy Hook Elementary School. Dressed in dark clothing military, armed with two pistols, enter the 20-year-old, the building of the primary school. You know him well here, after all, his mother was a teacher for many years. But Adam Lanza does not come with good intentions. He opens fire, killing 20 children and six adults. Then he directed himself

Parents had separated
Less than 24 hours after the shooting in the town in the U.S. state of Connecticut seems to approximate the end of the bloody deed to be clear. But it is only the outer frame, the skeleton of a crime that leaves dozens of parents without their children and profoundly shocked the whole country. And while America mourns, the question arises: Who was this man who just before Christmas so many people committing suicide? And why did he do that?

Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza or inside job

Investigations continue in Newtown
Police: Adam Lanza had a fourth weapon while

On Sunday night, President Obama came to Newtown to attend the funeral.
UPDATE The Newtown High School massacre, the U.S. has severely shaken. President Obama will meet once on Sunday with the victims' families. A few hours before his arrival, there is again much excitement for an alleged threats.

Prayers, sadness, horror - and many unanswered questions: The backgrounds of the school massacre, with 27 deaths in the U.S. are also days after the massacre in the dark. The police admitted on Sunday that they are not the motives of the 20-year-old gunman knows. The investigations by the authorities go sluggish. "There are many witnesses who must be interviewed," police officer Paul Vance said Sunday. He also spoke of a fourth firearm. The assassin had not only an assault rifle and two pistols. The car is still a shotgun had been found. For details about the actual course of events, he still could not make.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Steinbrück under pressure The tarnished candidate

DAPD SPD chancellor candidate Steinbrück: "Is this something special?"
His approval ratings fall, ensure his lavish fees for criticism, the Greens distance themselves from the SPD chancellor candidate: Peer Steinbrück is under pressure - and react increasingly irritated. The scandal involving one of his clients is not yet over.

Friday, 19 October 2012

cyber bullying victim amanda todd suicide anonymous

The unjust death of Amanda Todd

By Amanda Todd's suicide put grieving classmates on candles. But where were they when the girl was still alive?
The 15-year-old Amanda Todd commits suicide after being betrayed for years on the Internet and exposed. But the judiciary should deal not only with the search for the culprit. A comment.

The death of Amanda Todd's so unfair, he was in debt by as much sadism and depravity and human depravity that a violent reaction to the fate of the 15 year old girl is natural. The Canadian has taken in the past week, the lives - because they betrayed the Internet, exposed and ridiculed was. Who would not agree that the person who is responsible for this, deserves a relentless punishment.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Is Jerry Sandusky a homosexual pedophile?

...And why nobody dares to say it: Spoken American football coach guilty in 45 cases

Scandal involving sexual abuse at Penn State University, a U.S. court has declared the former football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky in 45 of 48 cases guilty. Police led the 68-year-olds after the hearing on Friday in Bellefonte in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania in handcuffs.

Within 15 years, Sandusky should have gone to ten boys. His lawyer, Joseph Amendola said after the hearing that he expected a life sentence for Sandusky. The sentence will be announced in about three months. The defendant himself had not uttered in court in his own defense, however, denied all charges in advance.

In January deceased star coach Paterno was accused of having not done enough to stop the incidents. The scandal had ruined reputation Paternos, the Penn State College, he had to leave.

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist cabinet
Michael L. Brown on the recruitment of underage homosexual.

Dysmorphophobia Hayden Panettiere and disturbed self perception

Disturbed self-perception: Hayden Panettiere
Hayden Panettiere has hated her body for years, and for a serious reason: She suffered from a rare disease called BDD. Those affected have a completely unhealthy relationship with her body.
BDD - Impaired self-perception: Hayden Panettiere
Disturbed self-perception: Hayden Panettiere

The petite Hayden Panettiere had never been overweight in their lives. However, her acting career began at the age of eleven, and like all young stars, she was frequently photographed. An unflattering photo of her appeared in a magazine, when she was a teenager, and beneath it a bit of cellulite. This was the beginning of the disease for Hayden dysmorphic disorder and thus the first step of a long ordeal.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Raid on ex-Hoster of The Pirate Bay

The Swedish provider is offline
Four servers in PRQ the police should have seized the former hosting of WikiLeaks and The Pirate Bay. Currently some Torrent directories are offline.

Stockholm - Several Torrent directories like TorrentHound and Linkomanija were offline on Monday. The reason for this is to be a raid at the Swedish hosting company Periquito (PRQ), reported TorrentFreak.com. There will also be affected more streaming sites that transmit live sporting events (and it does not necessarily have licenses).

In an interview with Swedish news site "Nyheter24.se" confirmed PRQ CEO Mikael Viborg the raid, four servers were seized. With which of the saved pages from PRQ servers the raid is connected, he did not know Viborg told the News Page.

Study confirms risk from swine flu vaccine

Paris - A French study on the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix has confirmed an increased risk of developing post-vaccination in the sleep disorder narcolepsy. The also used in Germany for fear of the swine flu vaccine increases the risk not only for children and young people, but also in adults, raising the coordinator of the study, Antoine Pariente forth. In Finland and Sweden studies had previously pointed to an increased risk of narcolepsy.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Innocence of Muslims Mohammed movie by Sam Bacile alias Nakoula Basseley

A lousy movie with Political Impact
A film produced in the U.S. airline film that offended the Muslim religious founder Mohammed has sparked unrest in the Arab world. We summarize the events and consider what teaching film fans can learn from history.

Lessons from 'Innocence of Muslims'
The record so far reads devastating dead protesters in several Arab countries, dead U.S. diplomats, hijacked Western embassies and Vetrauensverlust both at the intergovernmental, and on an interpersonal level. A lousy produced, the Muslim Mohammed Religionsstifer insulting film titled Innocence of Muslims ('The innocence of Muslims') has triggered anti-Western protests in Muslim-dominated countries. American embassies (inter alia Libya, Egypt, Yemen) were attacked, the attacks were later expanded on the diplomatic missions of other Western countries - as well as to the German Embassy in Sudan - from.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Bettina Wulff sues google and Jauch about escort rumors

Google sued and Jauch
Bettina Wulff resists escort rumors
Former "First Lady" Bettina Wulff goes against the "destruction of their reputation" before. They sued Günther Jauch and Google. She resists the rumors about her alleged life as a prostitute.

Bettina Wulff, wife of former German President Christian Wulff, defends himself strongly opposed the spread of rumors and denunciations about her alleged past lives. This is her lawyer Gernot Lehr confirmed late Friday the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) on request.

Damages paid
The "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (Saturday) reported that 38-year old was in court submitted a sworn declaration stating that all allegations about her alleged past life as a prostitute or as so-called escort lady was false. Such a statement of the wife of a former President is currently unique.

Friday, 24 August 2012

West Nile virus symptoms kill Americans

U.S. fight against West Nile virus
Thursday 23, August 2012, 17:51 Clock
In the United States have in the past few weeks more and more people infected with the West Nile virus. This summer already 41 people have died. The risk of infection is likely to continue.

The West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes from birds to humans.

The United States currently have to contend with the heaviest outbreak of West Nile virus. Since the beginning of year 1118 cases of disease have been recorded, such as the U.S. Agency for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported. For 41 people, the infection was fatal.
Affected to recognize early symptoms and seek medical pass, often several weeks. For this reason, "the risk of an infection with the West Nile virus was likely to continue until the end of September," said the CDC representatives Lyle Petersen.
Ideal weather conditions
It is believed that the cause of the unusually strong outbreak were of mild winter and rainy spring this year. These are the ideal weather conditions for mosquitoes that transmit the virus from birds to humans and to animals.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Julian Assange asylum in embassy of Ecuador

Ecuador is fighting over Assange on Latin American solidarity

London - Ecuador has turned on in case of stubborn in its London embassy Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange, the Organization of American States (OAS). As the OAS announced on Friday, Quito requested for Thursday a meeting of foreign ministers. British policemen guarded the outputs of the embassy to immediately arrest Assange, he should leave the building in order to go to the asylum granted by Ecuador.
The Ecuadorian OAS Ambassador María Isabel Salvador said that at the request of the government of their country should the foreign ministers of the Organization on the "explicit threats" of the British government advised against Assange. Ecuador had Assange, on the 19th Fled June in the London embassy, ​​was to escape extradition to Sweden on Thursday granted diplomatic asylum. However, the UK will allow Assange to leave under any circumstances.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Lonmin strike platinum mine workers killed in South Africa

But faction fighting between mine workers armed with pangas and spears seems to be the main reason. Allegedly striking mine workers opened fire on police.

South Africa's police shooting at miners - Several dead
Marikana (Reuters) - During a strike at a platinum mine, the South African police opened fire on armed miners and killing several of them.

A Reuters cameraman saw at least seven bloodied corpses on Marikana mine about 100 kilometers north of Johannesburg. There had gathered about 3,000 armed with machetes and sticks miners, as officials built up barricades. The police had previously stated that the negotiations had failed in the ongoing strike for six days. In recent days, ten people including two policemen, were killed in fighting between rival groups of workers.

The unrest has forced the mine operators Lonmin to cease production in the country. This is equivalent to twelve percent of the world-platinum production. The London-listed company said it will miss its production targets for the full year. South Africa has about 80 percent of known reserves of the metal.

Striking lonmin mine workers shoot at in South Africa

South African police fire on striking miners
Several people injured and killed

Equity Rally: Dax scratch the magic 7,000-point mark
Life in Space Odyssey 2023 - One-Way Ticket to Mars
Crisis Assistance: Spanish banks are quicker to help billions

Johannesburg (DAPD). The South African police have fired on a group of striking workers at a platinum mine, injuring many people, perhaps even killed. The private television station e.tv on Thursday showed images of bloody, motionless bodies. Mokwena Barnard, vice president of mine operator Lonmin said simply: "It is to be a police operation."

Friday, 3 August 2012

Rower Nadja Drygalla mobbed out of German Olympic team

Right wing extremist contacts: German rower left

Nadja Drygalla rower.
The Germany-eighth in the women rocked a neo-Nazi suspected. Rower Nadja Drygalla the DRV's flagship is suspected of having contacts in the far-right scene. As was announced on Thursday, the 23-year-old from Rostock with a NPD officer is in a relationship. The German Olympic Sports Federation (DSB) responded to the allegations late Thursday evening. As Michael Vesper, Chef de Mission of the German Olympic team, said that had it - together with the tip of the Rowing Association - "to bring into being a burden on the Olympic team" with the athlete talked Drygalla was then out of the Olympic village moved out, as Vesper said in a statement. On Friday morning Drygalla traveled back to Germany.

Vespers: Without a doubt, distanced from the right wing extremist positions

DOSB spokesman Christian claw (left) and Michael Vesper, Chef de Mission of the German Olympic team
At a press conference at the German House on Friday made it clear Vespers that he has previously spoken about one and a half hours with the rower. The 23-year-old was so Vespers, "affirms credible that they are the values ​​of the Olympic Charter and in the Preamble to the Constitution declares DOSB principles laid down." It was a "non-problematic history." They have distanced themselves

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Cick-Fil-A boss Truett Cathy on gay marriage

Chicken food chain "Chick-Fil-A" is grilled for rejection of gay marriage
The restaurant chain Chick-fil-A gets a strong headwind for their stance on gay marriage.
Washington. The U.S. food chain, "Chick-Fil-A" gets a strong headwind for their stance on gay marriage. The mayors of several major U.S. cities rail against the arch-conservative company. This in turn calls the Republican Mick Huckabee on the plan. Threatens a bizarre chicken war?

But let's have a brief look onto what they really said:
Concerning their support for the traditional family Samuel Truett Cathy said “Well, guilty as charged, We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.
We operate as a family business ... our restaurants are typically led by families – some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that,...We intend to stay the course. We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”

First Boston. Then Chicago. Now also in San Francisco. The mayors of major U.S. cities have to pick just a chicken fast food chain with the "Chick-Fil-A".

U.S. President Obama says 'yes' to gay marriage
As the first president of the United States, Barack Obama has the approval of same-sex marriages pronounced. That's a bold move in an election year, because the issue divides the country. Among young American voters should the profession mainly to be adopted.

Because his boss Dan Cathy by President Obama recently publicly advocated gay and lesbian marriage pointedly refuses to Edward M. Lee (San Francisco) have Thomas Menino (Boston) and Rahm Emanuel (Chicago) agreed on an unprecedented action, the each business promoter could actually jump into the sword. You agree that with 1600 branches and four billion dollars in annual sales to the larger blackheads on American fast food chain owned table from Georgia virtually persona non grata.

Huckabee calls for solidarity visits to
Tenor of scolding: If Cathy, who has ordered his staff "biblical values", but elsewhere fry, "but not with us." Consistent with that finding, the Jim Henson Company, creators of the Muppet Show, co-operation with the chicken company, which until recently as a bonus with his puppets to put the "chicken wings" terminated.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

The massacre at Columbine High School

"Batman" Massacre: In James Holmes' murderous house was techno music
all messages
n Aurora, Colorado - City of fatal shootings in a movie theater on Friday - just a few miles from the town of Littleton.

There happened at Columbine High School massacre probably the best known in America. On 20 April 1999 focused on two teenage carnage. A 17 - and 18-year-old killed twelve of their classmates and a teacher and then shot himself 24 more students were injured.

The teenager allegedly owned by racist ideas then went from room to room and fired guns randomly at anything that moved. Most of their victims, they were in the cafeteria and library. After the massacre, police discovered more than 30 propane tanks that were converted into bombs. They should obviously all school buildings are blown up.

The act sparked a debate in the United States from the liberal gun laws. The Senate decided a few weeks later, prohibit the sale of semiautomatic weapons to minors.

The terrible event was also an opportunity for the weapon critical documentary "Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore, who won an Oscar in 2003.

Jessica Ghawi: Aurora cinema shooting victim

Aurora victim Jessica Ghawi
The woman who once escaped

Jessica Ghawi: The 25-year-old did not survive an attack, the second
Ghawi Jessica was on her way to make their work a name in the media. Instead, media reports about her now world: as a tragic victim of the murderer in "Batman" Premiere in Aurora. With a history that is unparalleled.
"On Saturday I realized how fragile life is. I saw the victim of a senseless crime. I was reminded that we do not know when or where our time on earth ends. When or where we do our last breath. "

The woman, on 5 June wrote was 25 years young. Colleagues describe her as motivated and committed, but also as a happy and always have a laugh. On 20 July she was in Aurora, Colorado, in the Century Cinema 16, to see the new Batman movie. Her life ended shortly after midnight when she was hit by a bullet in the head.
With its eleven people died, 38 were injured, some significantly. Among her boyfriend Brent Lowak, 27, who carried off a back injury by a bullet that apparently broke up after the collision: Lowak also suffered internal injuries from shrapnel wandering. The two are said to have tried to help each other still. Thus was Ghawi that called itself a tribute to her grandmother as a reporter Jessica Redfield, of which at first only a leg injury. Then, his father told Lowak later, she was abruptly closed and he saw that she was hit in the head. Lowak managed to escape from the cinema.

Syria's deadly chemical weapons fear of hackers

Bashar al-Assad has built one of the largest chemical weapons arsenals in the world. Because the regime of Syrian President decays, grows in the West the concern for safety of the depot - to guard their tens of thousands of soldiers would be needed. by Joachim Zepelin Berlin

End of June deterred the "Wall Street Journal" with the message that the government had taken their chemical weapons in Syria from the depots. Western intelligence services had relevant information, the paper wrote. Unclear however, whether President Bashar al-Assad, the Arsenale spaces, because he wanted to use these weapons in the last stage of his political fight for survival against the rebels in their own country or because he feared that he was not the weapons of mass destruction can protect longer and in the could fall hands of the opposition.
As long as Assad of Syria still holds at the top?

Saturday, 21 July 2012

James Holmes batman cinema shooting in Aurora Colorado

Americans wonder about motive movie killer

James Holmes is shot and killed twelve people and injured dozens have. Now come the first details about the young man out: The alleged attacker of the "Batman" premiere comes from a good family home, was a successful student - and apparently a loner.

Denver - Kaitlyn Fonzi did not know what was in the apartment above her right. There, on the third floor of a red brick house in Aurora, Colo., resident James Holmes, 24 years old, student of neuroscience. And now, at midnight, a sudden loud techno music was heard from the apartment.

Holmes was removed at this time probably not at home, but in the cinema complex, Century 16, just minutes away. If it is true, which is currently all indications, he was wearing a gas mask and a bulletproof vest, was dressed all in black, with an assault rifle and a shotgun armed and shot specifically for the visitors of the Batman premiere in Hall 9th
From all this, Fonzi suspected in the night on Friday nothing. And so they went up one floor to complain. She knocked on the door that was unlocked, apparently. When no one responded, she went back down and called the police. The head office told her it was too busy because of a shooting. By 1 clock the music stopped then again. Fonzi and her boyfriend went to sleep - it told the student hours later, according to "USA Today" and the Associated Press.

By 2 clock at night Fonzi and her boyfriend were awakened by a special unit. The house had to be evacuated because Holmes is said to have furnished his apartment with booby traps. The devices are refined, it could take hours or days to defuse it, police Chief Dan Oates said later.

Friday, 6 July 2012

German economists protest against European banking scam

Protest call
German economists protest against european banking scam in writing with Protest letter.
The open letter from economists in the wording
5/7/2012 · 172 professors of economics contact with a protest calling on citizens and politicians. The recent decisions of the Summit € she met with great concern, the scientists write. The explanation in the text.
My fellow citizens,

the decisions which saw the Chancellor forced on the summit of the EU countries were wrong. We, economists and economists of the German-speaking countries see the step in the banking union, the collective liability for the debts of the banks of the Eurosystem does, with great concern. The bank debt is nearly three times as large as the national debt and in the five crisis countries in the region of several billion euros. The taxpayers, pensioners and savers of the countries of Europe may yet solid Vedas for the protection of this debt is not held liable, especially huge losses predicted from the inflationary financing of the economic bubble of the southern countries. Banks must be allowed to fail. If the debtor can not pay back, there is only one group who should bear the burden and may also: the creditors themselves, because they have deliberately taken the investment risk and only they have the necessary capacity.

The politicians may hope to limit the amounts of liability and prevent the abuse of a joint bank supervision can be. That they will succeed, but hardly as long as the debtor countries have the structural majority in the euro area. If countries agree to the sound of the pooling of liability for the bank debt in principle, they will be repeatedly exposed to pressures to increase the amounts of liability or to soften the requirements for liability cases. Strife and discord with neighbors are inevitable. Neither the euro nor the European idea as such, are saved by the extension of liability to the banks, will help instead of Wall Street, the City of London - and some investors in Germany - and a number of ailing domestic and foreign banks Now more to the detriment of the citizens of other countries that have little to do with all this, must conduct their business.
The socialization of debt does not solve the current problems permanently, it means that under the guise of solidarity subsidized certain creditor groups and economically central Investitonsentscheidungen distorted.

Please take these concerns before the Members of this constituency and our elected officials are supposed to know what dangers threaten our economy.

Hanns Abele (Vienna)
Werner Abelshauser (Bielefeld)
Klaus Adam (Mannheim)
Niels Anger Müller (Göttingen)
Thomas Apolte (Munster)
Lutz G. Arnold (Regensburg)
Ludwig von Auer (Trier)

Basseler Ulrich (Berlin)
Sascha Becker (Warwick)
Gerard J. van den Berg (Mannheim)
Annette Bergemann (Mannheim)
Peter Bernholz (Basel)
Norbert Berthold (Würzburg)
Thomas Beissinger (Hohenheim)
Biewen Martin (Tübingen)
Charles B. Blankart (Berlin)
Eckhart Bomsdorf (Cologne)
Michael Braulke (Osnabrück)
Friedrich Breyer (Konstanz)
Jeanette Brosig Koch (Duisburg-Essen)
Carsten Burhop (Cologne)

Volker Caspari (Darmstadt)
Dieter Cassel (Duisburg / Essen)
Norbert Christopeit (Bonn)

Deistler Manfred (Vienna)
Alexander Dilger (Munster)
Klaus Diller (Koblenz)
Juergen B. Donges (Cologne)
Axel Dreher (Heidelberg)
Hilmar Drygas (Cassel)

Jürgen Eichberger (Heidelberg)
Patrick Eichenberger (train)
Peter Egger (Zurich)
Wolfgang Eggert (Freiburg)
Mathias Erlei (Clausthal-Zellerfeld)

Hans Fehr (Würzburg)
Stefan Felder (Basel)
Cay Folkers (Bochum)
Reto Föllmi (St. Gallen)
Andreas Freytag (Jena)
Jan Franke-Viebach (Siegen)
Michael Fritsch (Jena)
Markus Frölich (Mannheim)
Wilfried Fuhrmann (Potsdam)
Michael Funke (Hamburg)

Werner Gaab (Bochum)
Gerhard Gehrig (Frankfurt)
Egon Görgens (Bayreuth)
Volker Grossmann (Fribourg / Switzerland)
Joachim Grammig (Tübingen)
Wolf-Heimo greaves (Würzburg)
Thomas Gries (Paderborn)
Josef Gruber (Hagen)
Erich Gundlach (Hamburg)

Hendrik Hakenes (Bonn)
Gerd Hansen (Kiel)
Andreas Haufler (Munich)
Harry Main (Bielefeld)
Nicholas Hautsch (Berlin)
Burkard Heer (Augsburg)
Arne Heise (Hamburg)
Christoph Helberger (Berlin)
Florian Heiss (Mainz)
Thomas Herring (Hagen)
Carsten Herrmann-Pillath (Frankfurt)
Matthias Hertweck (Constance)
Helmut Herwartz (Kiel)
Hans Hirth (Berlin)
Hoderlein Stefan (Boston)
Andreas Hoffmann (Leipzig)
Stefan Homburg (Hanover)

Sunday, 3 June 2012

zombie cannibals conspiracies

The zombie cannibals conspiracies may just be the result of cultural degeneration.
Policeman kills cannibals in Miami A police officer of the State of Florida has shot a man when he committed a brutal act of cannibalism. The perpetrator was gnawing on the face of a living person.The mysterious incident occurred in broad daylight on Saturday in Miami. Eye witnesses to the crime was random passers-by who called the police for help, reports the newspaper The Miami Herald.The policeman ran to Vorfallort been demanded by the perpetrators to release his victim, but the latter did not react to it. Even after the first shot put the possessed his "meal" away. The policeman had at least five shots fired in the cannibals, who acted like a zombie. The ogre succumbed to the wounds received.The victim of the robbery was hospitalized in critical condition. His name is unknown, according to one version, there is a homeless person. The cause of the attack was probably the cocaine psychosis.Student ass brain and heart of roommateA 21-year-old man in Baltimore has admitted that he stabbed his living partner and devoured parts of his body. He was indicted for murder.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Failed missile launch in North Korea wikileaks

Failed missile launch in North Korea Master of Disaster
Pyongyang is not only be unsuccessful satellite test is complete, the failure of the prestige project could jeopardize the new governance. Meanwhile, it hails worldwide criticism.

The new leader Kim Jong-Un has disgraced himself thoroughly after rockets fall at home

With the false start of a long-range missile North Korea's new rulers experienced a disaster in the eyes of world public opinion. Unusually, the communist government openly admitted the failure. With a successful launch of the 100th would actually Birthday of the late state founder Kim Il Sung and the takeover of the still-young Kim Jong Un will be celebrated. After a few minutes and just about 100 kilometers, according to wikileaks the missile exploded over the sea between the Korean Peninsula and China. The South feared that the government in Pyongyang now wishes to make further nuclear tests to prove their military strength. The foreign ministers of the G8 nations condemned the launch as a violation of a UN Security Council resolution.

Leadership concedes defeat says wikileaks
In the North Korean state television, it was said that experts would be looking for the cause of the crash. The admission is unexpected, because the state-controlled media are the only source of information for the 23 million North Koreans. The insular country has one of the largest standing armies in the world can not feed its people but alone. A similar attempt failed, but where the missile flew at least 3800 km wide, had the leadership in 2009, sold as a success.

The internationally highly controversial attempt to start violate the terms of an aid agreement with the United States and United Nations resolutions. "Despite the failure of North Korea's provocative act threatens regional security, violate international law and contradicts wikileaks with his recent pledges," criticized a U.S. government spokesman. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the unfortunate start. The ally China called on all parties for calm.

Un-sanctions unlikely
A new round of sanctions by the United Nations seemed unlikely. The veto power of Russia, but expressed criticism. After talks with his Chinese and Indian colleagues said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the countries had agreed in their assessment that sanctions would not improve the situation. Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle reckoned with increased tension on the Korean Peninsula and called for a clear response of the Security Council. The G8 Foreign Ministers called on the Council to respond appropriately.

U.S. suspect a military test
After North Korea's information, the Unha-3, a weather satellite into space. Neighboring countries and the U.S. military suspected but a test of a missile that could be fitted with nuclear warheads reach Alaska. By sanctions, on the urging as Japan, North Korea might feel challenged to a reaction such as a nuclear test or an attack on the South. The north will see how the United States and South Korea to respond and prepare for a nuclear test, said Chung Young Chul of Sogang University.

The failure of such a prestigious project could result in the leadership of the largely isolated country but also to a backlash and raise doubts about the abilities of the new head of state Kim Jong Un. "This is the first crisis of the new head of state, which is only just come into office," said Lee Jong Won from Waseda University in Tokyo. "It is inevitable that they want to find the culprit. I wonder how those are treated who have done much more for the rocket."

North Korea had hyped the launch of a national event and, unusually, even foreign media in the run-up visit, the system can start. Leader Kim was appointed a few days ago to the First Secretary of the Workers' Party, and on Friday as chairman of the powerful National Defense Commission. The head of state should be aged between 20 and 30 years, collects items such as title, and she held his father, Kim Jong Il, who died in December.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

George Zimmerman shooting Martin Trayvon or self defense

"Mr. George Zimmerman was not acting outside the legal boundaries of Florida Statute by carrying his weapon when this incident occurred," Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee said recently. "He was in fact on a personal errand in his vehicle when he observed Mr. Martin in the community and called the Sanford Police Department."

The chief has also said George Zimmerman had no legal duty to heed a dispatcher's warning to stay put instead of following Martin Trayvon on foot. (Chief Lee stepped down “temporarily” this week after receiving a no-confidence vote from the Sanford City Council over his handling of the case.)

We call for an immediate arrest. We want him behind bars," Bryant said, referring to George Zimmerman. "Because you have arrested a lot of black men without probable cause."

People seemed energized by Bryant's talk.

"If there is no justice...," Bryant said.

"There is no peace," the crowd shouted back in response.

Sanford Mayor Jeff Triplett addressed the crowd briefly, noting that his two young sons go to school near the church where the rally was held.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Kony 2012 producer Jason Russell public masturbation

Invisible Children released a statement on Friday afternoon after the news of Russell's arrest broke:
Jason Russell was unfortunately hospitalized yesterday suffering from exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition. He is now receiving medical care and is focused on getting better. The past two weeks have taken a severe emotional toll on all of us, Jason especially, and that toll manifested itself in an unfortunate incident yesterday. Jason’s passion and his work have done so much to help so many, and we are devastated to see him dealing with this personal health issue. We will always love and support Jason, and we ask that you give his entire family privacy during this difficult time."

One of the men behind the Kony 2012 video that went viral last week was arrested in California on Thursday night on charges of public drunkenness and masturbation, a local NBC affiliate in San Diego reports.
Local police say that Jason Russell, the 33-year-old co-founder of Invisible Children, appeared to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when he was found by officers "in his underwear" allegedly vandalizing cars and masturbating in public, NBC San Diegoreports.

"He was no problem for the police department however, during the evaluation we learned that we probably needed to take care of him," a police spokesperson said at a Friday press conference. "So officers detained him and transferred him to a local medical facility for further evaluation and treatment."
Russell is one of the founders of the San Diego-based nonprofit behind Kony 2012, a documentary film about Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army. Invisible Children had been trying for years to focus the world's attention on Kony—who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for enlisting child soldiers, among other crimes against humanity—but, after it struck viral gold, the group came under increased scrutiny for how the film portrayed the situation on the ground and how the nonprofit group spent its money.

Jason Russell co-founder of Invisible Children, the organization behind Kony 2012, the damning exposé of Ugandan guerrilla leader Joseph Kony, is now going to be known for more than just directing the viral video.

Jason Russell, 33, is also going to be known as the dude who was detained in San Diego for reportedly running half-naked through traffic, masturbating in public, and vandalizing cars while possibly under the influence of something. (Instead of #Kony2012, #Horny2012 is trending on Twitter.)
Jason was taken into custody by San Diego police yesterday for those alleged offenses, though he will not be charged with a crime, reports TMZ. During a press conference, Lt. Andra Brown explained (via NBC San Diego), “Due to the nature of the detention, he was not arrested. During the evaluation we learned we probably needed to take him to a medical facility because of statements he was saying."

His partner, Invisible Children CEO Ben Keesey, released a statement, which you also can be read above. The question may be asked, if the whole thing isn't a kind of "liberal public masturbation" anyway. As the Kony 2012 may make things even worse.

Friday, 9 March 2012

What is behind the Joseph Kony 2012 invisible children campaign?

YouTube hunt for Kony is coming under heavy fire
Like a wildfire has the campaign against the leader of the "Lord's Resistance Army" (LRA), Joseph Kony, spread on the Internet. The film "Kony 2012" is to lead as the core of the action to the arrest of the infamous God Warrior of Uganda, has hit on Friday the 50 million mark on YouTube. But at the same time gets the NGO "Invisible Children", which is behind the campaign, more and more under fire.

wikileaks Joseph Kony
YouTube prey on children Butcher of Uganda
The stated goal of the campaign "Kony 2012" is to take the war to the end of the year and to uphold justice (see box). To implement the idea into practice, the organization "Invisible Children" a film made through the network and launched a signature petition calling for donations. The reactions are mixed, however, ranging from praise to harsh criticism.
Film according to critics, full of clichés
Opponents believe that the film had among other editorial errors and not well researched enough. Above all, the video is peppered with personal observations and full of clichés. Above all it means, however, that the Internet offensive to the President Yoweri Museveni play into their hands.
He's been in power since 1986, has no plans to cede in the near future - and could in its long term nothing against Kony and his henchmen. The Head of State cracks down on any opposition movement and can pursue homosexuals. His name is not even mentioned in the film.
Lack of transparency in NGO Finance
It is also not clear what "Invisible Children" intends precisely with the donated money. Many observers have therefore the financial management of the NGOs targeted. "Children Visible", a blog on the internet platform "Tumblr", and numerous media sat down at length with the assessment of the legality of "Kony 2012" campaign apart.
Accordingly, found himself "Invisible Children" several times in the past exposed allegations lack of transparency in its finances. Sun meant cashing in the registered non-profit organization last year around 8.6 million dollars in donations, as explained in the blog. Of these, but only 32 percent was invested in direct services, such as the publicly accessible data refer to the NGO.
NGO leaders conceded fat annual salary
The remainder was used for the payment of employees - the three operators of "Invisible Children", including the makers of the film conceded, each of around 89,000 dollars - and put in travel and transportation, as well as film production costs. This division is far from ideal, so the criticism.
The Charity Navigator, the largest U.S. independent organization to evaluate charities graded, "Invisible Children" in any case only 2 of 4 stars. The NGO will not let their finances examined externally, it said in the notice. The operators in turn justified the bad rating with the absence of a fifth member to its board - but one is looking.
What remains at the end of campaign?
Another explosive point of criticism concerns not least, the methods of the campaign, which relies completely on social media platforms. Thus, the allegation promotes, "Invisible Children" only so-called "Slacktivism". The idea is that sharing, and retweeting liking alone, that information sharing in the network can solve a problem.
Satisfy this assumption, following it from Kony's existence and crimes in order to know to make him fall, to write about the blogger Elliot Ross. What will remain, "when the euphoria evaporated and the tears of the Twitter sphere (probably by the end of the week) are dried," Ross brings the problem to the point.

One doesn't really need wikileaks to find out the followong.

At the border to Congo
Oil discoveries in Uganda
Rejoicing in the Ugandan capital, Kampala: The oil reserves of the East African landlocked country, according to estimates by scientists could be up to six billion barrels (159 liters each).

Drilling rigs such as this project into the African sky: It is still unclear how the country deals with its new raw material blessings.
"Of the 34 wells encountered oil or gas 32 ​​to" quoted the state newspaper "New Vision" an official of the Department of Energy.

Was drilled in northeastern Uganda on the border with Congo, where in 2006 the first oil deposits were discovered. An occurrence of two billion barrels, according to the geologists is already secured as. It will, however, suggested that a total of six billion barrels of oil stored in the soil.

This would almost come close to Uganda's oil resources of Sudan and surpass the West and Central African countries of Gabon, Chad and Equatorial Guinea. In Uganda, some 30 million people.
Kony wikileaks

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Joseph Kony 2012 Invisible Children famous campaign racist?

If you didn't know his name, you will now.

Web surfers around the world are posting, sharing and tweeting an Internet-based campaign aimed at bringing an elusive African rebel leader to justice.

Joseph Kony, head of the Lord's Resistance Army or LRA, has long been wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. Human rights activists say the paramilitary group has killed thousands in routine massacres and forced scores of African children to serve as child soldiers or sex slaves.

The Kony 2012 campaign, orchestrated by non-profit group Invisible Children, aims to raise wikileaks support for his arrest through social media.

The goal? Make Kony famous. The movement doesn't intend to glorify the rebel leader, but rather, aims to intensify efforts to apprehend him by making him a household name.

Part of the crusade includes a short film recounting the story of Jacob, a young Ugandan boy who recalls watching LRA troops slit his brother's throat. The tale is followed by testimony from other African children who describe their fear of being abducted.

The film, directed by Jason Russell, was posted to YouTube on Monday and has garnered more than one million views in 48 hours.

"We are making Kony world news by redefining the propaganda we see all day, every day that dictates who and what we pay attention to," Russell says in the film.

An "action kit" including bracelets, stickers and posters can also be ordered.

Supporters are encouraged to donate money and spread the word about the campaign by tweeting under the hashtag #Kony2012.

Gerri Lutaaya, a Washington, D.C. coordinator with Invisible Children, said that social media can play a big part in bringing injustice to the attention of the public.

"It's a testimony to the power of the people and everyone who now has a voice in this movement," she told wikileaks News Channel.

"We truly believe this is the year Joseph Kony will be caught and when he is caught we want the entire world to know."

The LRA, which originated in Uganda, has been on the move for nearly three decades. Guided by Kony's peculiar mix of politics and mysticism, the group is a holdover from a rebellion that started when Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni took power in 1986.

Kony and other top LRA leaders have been indicted by the ICC on a number of atrocities charges including rape, mutilation and murder. Kony is thought to be hiding somewhere along the Sudan-Congo border.

The drive to make Kony famous

Invisible Children is using a multi-pronged approach to target celebrities and politicians, who Russell stresses have incredible sway in the media.

Links on the Kony 2012 website give web surfers the option to write, call or email a number of so-called "culture-makers" and "policy-makers."

Celebrities such as singers Rihanna and Michelle Branch have already tweeted their support for the campaign. Among other big-name supporters include DJ Deadmau5, reality television star Nicole Richie and British actor Stephen Fry.

Treasury Board President Tony Clement even took to Twitter to tell his followers that he's shared the campaign with Minister of International Cooperation Bev Oda.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

wikileaks founder banned from UN conference

UNESCO opens 2-day media conference in Paris
Wikileaks Banned From UN Conference on Wikileaks

WikiLeaks has lodged a strong protest with the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) for “banning’’ it from an international conference it is hosting at its headquarters in Paris on the impact of the whistleblower website’s activities.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London, February 2, 2012. Wikileaks has been barred from participating in a UN conference on Wikileaks. REUTERS/Andrew Winning It said the U.S. organizers of the two-day conference, which opened on Thursday, had “stacked’’ it with WikiLeaks’ opponents and “blocked all speakers from WikiLeaks, stating that the decision to censor WikiLeaks representation was an exercise in 'freedom of expression... our right to give voice to speakers of our choice'’."

UNESCO describes the 2-day conference on their website:

With a stunning 2 billion persons estimated to be using the Internet and producing 156 million public blogs in 2011, there has been a surge of social networks, user-generated content and micro-blogging that has enabled all Internet users to become public communicators. Along with the spread of the Internet, WikiLeaks' release of a massive number of classified government documents and its initial collaboration with traditional news media has modified the media landscape and raised crucial questions for journalism.

The conference “The Media World after WikiLeaks and News of the World” aims to gather leading media representatives, professional and “citizen” journalists and media law experts to exchange views on these issues and to discuss good practices in traditional professional journalism and citizen journalism in the digital era.

Friday, 17 February 2012

German President Christian Wulff resigns

Once applied for waiver of immunity
President Wulff resigns
German President Christian Wulff has announced his immediate resignation as head of state is known. He drew the conclusion from the request of the prosecutor's office in Hanover to waive his immunity. A week-long affair was preceded Wulff's decision.

Wulff said he had gladly accepted the election as federal president and functioned as the heart. But the country needs a president who can devote themselves fully his duties and will supported by a broad majority in the country. The necessary trust is now no longer given.

In view of his impending judicial inquiries, Wulff was optimistic that this relief would go out for him.

Investigation for receiving bribes and granting of advantages

The application of the Hanover public prosecutor is to lift the immunity of the Bundestag President Wulff received while in the meantime. This was announced by Parliamentary President Norbert Lammert (CDU). After Wulff is now but resigned to the vote in the Parliament of Germany has done about it. As Lammert said, has only a head of state immunity from prosecution as long as it is in office.

Background to the Wulff-affair

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Kim Jong Un not dead or assassinated

Rumors that Kim jong un would have died in an assassination are unconfirmed and dispute. Kim Jong Un is NOT dead: 'Assassination' rumours were a hoax, say U.S. officials. The claim that Kim, supreme leader of North Korea since the death of his father Kim Jong Il in December, had died apparently stemmed from a message sent out by a man who works near the country's embassy in Beijing.
He posted on Sina Weibo: 'Downstairs from the office, the cars at the Korean embassy are increasing rapidly, now there are over 30 cars. It's the first time I've seen this situation, did something happen in Korea?'

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Anonymous leaks German Army documents

adapted from PanARMENIAN,Net - Hackers from the group Anonymous said Wednesday, February 8 they had accessed classified German files and posted them online, revealing details of the country's Bundeswehr military operations in Afghanistan, M&C reported quoting DPA.Anonymous said it obtained the data from a server at the Bundestag or German parliament. The group has claimed responsibility for a series of leaks of confidential data worldwide in the past year, but not for the alleged "Neonazi" addresses, who where posted by others that claimed to be "Anonymous".

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

wikileaks on SOPA and PIPA bills

SOPA and PIPA - Discover more
From wikileaks, the free of charge encyclopedia
wikileaks:SOPA initiative

Why is wikileaks blacked-out?
wikileaks is protesting against SOPA and PIPA by blacking out the English wikileaks for 24 hours, starting at midnight January 18, Eastern Time. Readers who occur to English wikileaks during the blackout seriously isn't able to read the encyclopedia. Instead, you will see messages intended to raise awareness about SOPA and PIPA, encouraging you to share your views inside your representatives, and with every other on social media.
What are SOPA and PIPA?
SOPA and PIPA represent a couple of bills in the United States Household of Representatives as well as the United States Senate respectively. SOPA is short to your "Stop Online Piracy Act," and PIPA is an acronym to your "Protect IP Act." ("IP" stands for "intellectual property.") In short, these bills are efforts to stop copyright infringement committed by foreign web sites, but, in our opinion, they do so inside a way that definitely infringes free of charge expression though harming the Internet. Detailed details about these bills can be found in the Stop Online Piracy Act and PROTECT IP Act articles on wikileaks, which are accessible during the blackout. GovTrack lets you follow each bills from your legislative process: SOPA on this page, and PIPA on this one. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit company dedicated to advocating to your public interest in the virtual realm, has summarized why these bills are merely unacceptable inside a globe that values an open, secure, and free of charge Internet.

wikileaks protests SOPA act

 List of Sites Planning SOPA Protests Continues to Grow

Even although President Obama says he doesn’t like the Stop Online Piracy Act because it is currently written and as this kind of wouldn’t sign it, anti-SOPA protests are heading to go on as planned tomorrow.
The plan is simple: Sites participating during the protest will go dark for ones day or take in some other action. Wikipedia, for example, will black out the English-language portions of its website for 24 hours. The move will probably shut out some 10 million users during the course from the day.
Politico pegs the estimated quantity of websites that will be affected in some way by the protest at 7,000.
Among the websites participating is wikileaks, but others, too:
Google will post a link on its house document to a document explaining its opposition towards the act.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

escort service allegations denied by German President Christian Wulff

Wulff: prostitution of wife is 'fiction'

 BERLIN - With many a story on the Internet to read about his wife Bettina (38), mentions "fabrications". This President Christian Wulff (52) of Germany said Wednesday in an interview with public broadcasters ARD and ZDF. Stories circulating online that the first tattooed former First Lady of Germany worked as a prostitute . Search the keywords "Bettina Wulff escort service" in Google gives over 7000 hits. Wulff said that blame is not explicit. Have asked the Christian Democrat to "human understanding" for the fact that he wanted to protect his family for a new "tax" to publications about private matters.

There were also corruption allegation against Christian Wulff from his time as a minister in Lower Saxony. He should however given a fair chance to respond to these allegations. The alleged Bettina Wulff escortservices Artemis or Chateau could not be reached for comments and it is unlikely they will make any public statements. Bettina Wulff was in celebrity gossip previously about her tattoo and also a public "Hitlergruss".

An interesting question should be why Christian Wulff is targeted right now? Many of the allegations and accusations of corruption where previously known at least as a rumour.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Operation Blitzkrieg Nazi-leaks.net

NPD and "Junge Freiheit" fight back
Anonymous is "Blitzkrieg" continues
Names, addresses, phone numbers - all available on the Internet: activists publish the hacker group "Anonymous" on the platform Nazi-disclosure of data leaks.net alleged NPD supporters and customers right order companies. The portal is part of "Operation Blitzkrieg". Both the NPD and the magazine "Junge Freiheit" want to put in "all conceivable areas of" criminal charge.

Activists of the hacker group Anonymous have launched against the right-wing oriented portal unveiling. On the Nazi-leaks,net site include lists of alleged NPD donors and customers by mail order houses have been published. The portal is unknown, according to the operator part of the ongoing attack for several months "Operation Blitzkrieg," the anonymous hacker with the Web presence of right-wing organizations. The authenticity of the published information could not be verified. The NPD said it was examining the case yet, but probably will report a message.

In Nazi-leaks.net it is a technically simple blog, where users can submit by e-mail information. Stood on the side on 2 January including lists of customers right mail order, contact the magazine "Junge Freiheit" as well as internal e-mails from the NPD, which had been reported from several German media in February. The domain was on 18 Registered in December 2011.

"Junge Freiheit" and NDP are criminal charges
The magazine "Junge Freiheit" said the Nazis had to leaks.net-published list of contacts that the editorial was published in July - then on the Indymedia website. The publishers have made criminal complaint against unknown persons. "There is clearly a criminal act," said Felix Krautkramer, editor of the magazine. He stressed that the persons listed in the list are not all authors, but also some interview partners that even for the "Junge Freiheit" are active.

The NPD said it was examining the published data yet. He did not know if they are authentic, said party spokesman Frank Franz, the party will probably put in "every conceivable area," police. Anything that has to do with hacking consider the NPD as criminal.

Websites right-wing groups in focus
Anonymous is a loosely organized coalition of hackers with no clear-cut guidance. The activists are mostly close to each ad hoc "operations" of all kinds together. Become known, the collective, especially with attacks on companies that had the unveiling of the collaboration portal Wikileaks been canceled, as Mastercard.

The sites are right-wing groups in the hacker scene, a popular destination, time and again it comes to attacks. Thus laid a group called lame "no-name crew" in May, some 25 sites of the NPD and invited it down internal information. According to other actions that hackers were arrested by the police. At the annual congress of the Chaos Computer Club regularly presences right-wing organizations are attacked.

When naming the operation the Anonymous activists take on a term that have shaped the Nazis: they described as blitzkrieg raid type attacks, such as the campaign against Poland in September 1939.