Thursday, 11 October 2012

Dysmorphophobia Hayden Panettiere and disturbed self perception

Disturbed self-perception: Hayden Panettiere
Hayden Panettiere has hated her body for years, and for a serious reason: She suffered from a rare disease called BDD. Those affected have a completely unhealthy relationship with her body.
BDD - Impaired self-perception: Hayden Panettiere
Disturbed self-perception: Hayden Panettiere

The petite Hayden Panettiere had never been overweight in their lives. However, her acting career began at the age of eleven, and like all young stars, she was frequently photographed. An unflattering photo of her appeared in a magazine, when she was a teenager, and beneath it a bit of cellulite. This was the beginning of the disease for Hayden dysmorphic disorder and thus the first step of a long ordeal.

Dysmorphic disorder: A mental illness

Dysmorphophobia translates as "fear of deformity." The parties involved are usually perfectly normal, are convinced to be disfigured, unattractive and ugly. They deal a lot with their flaws, check him for about an hour per day, or directly in the mirror and think sometimes more than eight hours a day about it. On the street they feel stares and taunts, and go sooner or later they no longer liked the house.
The experts of the health portal "" know how they affect behavior on people's lives: "The joy of life disappears more and more, new fears such as the fear of a relationship happen. Sufferers often lapse into depression. "Friends and relatives often counter this behavior with incomprehension. Most take the dysmorphophobia people aged between 15 and 30 years, as indeed was the case with Hayden Panettiere. However, men are just as common as in women. The backgrounds of BDD are not well understood, but the effects can be disastrous. Sufferers need medical assistance in the form of psychotherapeutic treatment to get yourself back to look in the right light.
Hayden Panettiere: Finally satisfied with himself

Hayden Panettiere at the therapeutic effect has been obvious: The petite actress can see her body again as he is. After years of self-hatred she is now on the right track. And her testimony might lead to people whining despite her good looks objectively about themselves, are no longer dismissed as annoying: Maybe the serious illness behind.

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