Friday, 9 March 2012

What is behind the Joseph Kony 2012 invisible children campaign?

YouTube hunt for Kony is coming under heavy fire
Like a wildfire has the campaign against the leader of the "Lord's Resistance Army" (LRA), Joseph Kony, spread on the Internet. The film "Kony 2012" is to lead as the core of the action to the arrest of the infamous God Warrior of Uganda, has hit on Friday the 50 million mark on YouTube. But at the same time gets the NGO "Invisible Children", which is behind the campaign, more and more under fire.

wikileaks Joseph Kony
YouTube prey on children Butcher of Uganda
The stated goal of the campaign "Kony 2012" is to take the war to the end of the year and to uphold justice (see box). To implement the idea into practice, the organization "Invisible Children" a film made through the network and launched a signature petition calling for donations. The reactions are mixed, however, ranging from praise to harsh criticism.
Film according to critics, full of clichés
Opponents believe that the film had among other editorial errors and not well researched enough. Above all, the video is peppered with personal observations and full of clichés. Above all it means, however, that the Internet offensive to the President Yoweri Museveni play into their hands.
He's been in power since 1986, has no plans to cede in the near future - and could in its long term nothing against Kony and his henchmen. The Head of State cracks down on any opposition movement and can pursue homosexuals. His name is not even mentioned in the film.
Lack of transparency in NGO Finance
It is also not clear what "Invisible Children" intends precisely with the donated money. Many observers have therefore the financial management of the NGOs targeted. "Children Visible", a blog on the internet platform "Tumblr", and numerous media sat down at length with the assessment of the legality of "Kony 2012" campaign apart.
Accordingly, found himself "Invisible Children" several times in the past exposed allegations lack of transparency in its finances. Sun meant cashing in the registered non-profit organization last year around 8.6 million dollars in donations, as explained in the blog. Of these, but only 32 percent was invested in direct services, such as the publicly accessible data refer to the NGO.
NGO leaders conceded fat annual salary
The remainder was used for the payment of employees - the three operators of "Invisible Children", including the makers of the film conceded, each of around 89,000 dollars - and put in travel and transportation, as well as film production costs. This division is far from ideal, so the criticism.
The Charity Navigator, the largest U.S. independent organization to evaluate charities graded, "Invisible Children" in any case only 2 of 4 stars. The NGO will not let their finances examined externally, it said in the notice. The operators in turn justified the bad rating with the absence of a fifth member to its board - but one is looking.
What remains at the end of campaign?
Another explosive point of criticism concerns not least, the methods of the campaign, which relies completely on social media platforms. Thus, the allegation promotes, "Invisible Children" only so-called "Slacktivism". The idea is that sharing, and retweeting liking alone, that information sharing in the network can solve a problem.
Satisfy this assumption, following it from Kony's existence and crimes in order to know to make him fall, to write about the blogger Elliot Ross. What will remain, "when the euphoria evaporated and the tears of the Twitter sphere (probably by the end of the week) are dried," Ross brings the problem to the point.

One doesn't really need wikileaks to find out the followong.

At the border to Congo
Oil discoveries in Uganda
Rejoicing in the Ugandan capital, Kampala: The oil reserves of the East African landlocked country, according to estimates by scientists could be up to six billion barrels (159 liters each).

Drilling rigs such as this project into the African sky: It is still unclear how the country deals with its new raw material blessings.
"Of the 34 wells encountered oil or gas 32 ​​to" quoted the state newspaper "New Vision" an official of the Department of Energy.

Was drilled in northeastern Uganda on the border with Congo, where in 2006 the first oil deposits were discovered. An occurrence of two billion barrels, according to the geologists is already secured as. It will, however, suggested that a total of six billion barrels of oil stored in the soil.

This would almost come close to Uganda's oil resources of Sudan and surpass the West and Central African countries of Gabon, Chad and Equatorial Guinea. In Uganda, some 30 million people.
Kony wikileaks

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