Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Did President wife Bettina Wulff work as prostitute?
Mrs. Wulff gets targeted by rumors ...
Dreadful enough what you hear from a signing bonus that is visible anywhere. A President, who has triumphed against Mr. Gauck in the third round, and given Islam the Germans. Or we say: "allocated". Now it's almost over.
The scandal of this "personal loan" of 500,000 € (we do not dare to call it "bribery") of the Federal President Christian Wulff threatens to expand the bedroom in Bellevue Castle on the blogs in Germany. Unspeakable!
After the chief columnist Franz Josef Wagner from the IMAGE Mr. Wulff had prompted an ultimatum: "Get your pants down" .. or else, otherwise the picture would tell very different stories.
"In Berlin political will has long been whispered that the" image "could soon come up with a story from the past life of Bettina Wulff. The editor is said to have information that the date" on instructions from above "can not be printed .
Leading German bloggers have to past life of Bettina Wulff point to a movie-plot, where it is about an escort service, prostitution and love. A subject about which one speaks in Berlin for almost a year, and in the context of insiders repeatedly called the name "Artemis" and "Chateau".
If these rumors about Bettina Wulff (Tattoo Betty) hold true, the resignation of President Wulff is already in sight. .
Pretty Woman as First Lady? That would not please Mrs. Merkel. A pastor's daughter does not want that. The tattoo can still hide it, but what then would have to light?
Is it a lie? We do not know. Wulff is not the first politician who would stumble upon a dreary story that is conjured out of his sleeve. If only it was based on a character assassination story, it would be cruel and quite common.
Semper aliquid heretics.
First we bury the FDP and then the friend of Islam?
We will keep you sehen.Gehen some games in the Chateau Club. There are certainly chic ladies ...
Miss grains never worked as a lifeguard indie concubine of the German Federal President, the Pope will extend their hand was unchaste, especially through their tattoo bekannt.Bundespräsident Christian Wulff and his concubine Bettina.
© Franz Richter, Wikipedia, CC (kreuz,net) On 22 September, Pope Benedict XVI. arrive at 10.30 clock at the airport Berlin-Tegel.
The official welcome at 11.15 clock made by the German Federal President Christian Wulff (52).
Wulff is part of the gay and abortion party CDU.
He calls himself a Catholic.
Chaotic conditions
Wulff has been married since 1988 with his wife Christiane.
The two got to know in 1983 when they both studied law in Osnabrueck.
The couple was born in 1993, the daughter of Anna Lena.
In June 2006, Wulff announced that he would betray the family with his wife and daughter.
In March 2008, before the state of adultery coupled with a certain Miss Bettina Körner (37).
A month later, the girl gave birth to him the illegitimate son of Linus Florian, who was baptized Protestant.
The decadent Protestants legitimate Wulff's dissolute life and betrayal of wife and child, she staged for him by a Protestant ceremony.
The young lady brought to the 2003-born illegitimate son by another man, Leander Balthasar in the matchmaking.
Last May, pushing the Berlin homo-and regime-Jesuit, Father Klaus Mertes, the blame for fraud Wulff's family and personal dissolute life of the Pope in his shoes.
A castle-Miss
The konkubinierenden Miss succeeded in the past, had a tattoo on his right shoulder blade to draw the attention of the German media focused on the bosses.
What to tell the hands rubbing Socialists in Lower Saxony on this tattoo is an open secret in Berlin.
Wulff adulterer comes from Lower Saxony.
According to the co-president of the German concubinage was even before the tattoo-media campaign is not the only scholar in this skin marker.
For his concubine, which is their unchaste hand to the Pope, should be engaged in professional activities in Florida, where the tattoo was possibly a wider audience to face.
Miss grains never worked as a pool attendant.
Become known is the tattoo, as they made their living as a barmaid in a "château" at Swan deserved.
This should be located near the city of Wolfsburg.
In him also manager of the car manufacturer 'Volkswagen AG' would operate.
Wulff is in family therapy
According to the comrades Wulff has the phone numbers of the chief editors of the Berlin newspapers regime.
To keep them happy, they like to imagine it for home stories and background briefings available.
The "Welt am Sonntag 'of last Sunday published a two page article on Wulff and his origins.
He, as so often told that his mother fell ill from multiple sclerosis have cared, but this is not quite match the facts.
Wulff himself is from totally dysfunctional families.
His parents separated when Wulff was two years old. His father fell a little honorable lady.
Wulff's mother then lived in adultery. When he was sixteen years old, also left the Unzuchtspartner his mother's family.
The sister of the President, Bettina Mertschaft-Wulff (49), lives - according to the German magazine 'Bunte' - of Hartz IV in Lower Saxony.
Their external characteristics are eyebrow piercing and Indian mane.
Her brother, she has also dissipated, according to the 'Bunter' the last time thirteen years ago saw the grave of their common Father.
". You see, despite the blindfold lady the characteristic facial features of Bettina Wulff" the concubine named former Lady Victoria About 'archive,org' nor an old website of the brothel Chateau Club is within reach - with pictures of the local "ladies" (. kreuz,net) What 'kreuz,net' published in July, according to confirmed information from the website 'marialourdesblog,wordpress,com' more and more.
Bettina Koerner - the concubine of the German Federal President Christian Wulff-discredited - is said to have worked in 2006 at the Chateau Club in Osnabrueck.
The Chateau Club is a brothel.
A prostitute working there at that time named "Victoria" is identified according to the blog with Miss grains.
Victoria with k
The website '' refers to the Internet Archive ''.
There you can keep track of the Web address of the brothel ''.
The oldest is about '' tangible version of the brothel's website on 22 May, 2006.
Anyone who clicks on it, lands on the opening page. There is a menu bar on the left.
There is enough there to "The Ladies" to click: you will find names and pictures of eight prostitutes.
One of them is "Victoria" - with k.
Despite blindfold
The blog 'marialourdesblog,wordpress,com' believes observed: "You see, despite the blindfold lady the characteristic facial features of Bettina Wulff."
5 picture of "Victoria K"
And: "Unfortunately, the Internet, with the right tools, a merciless Archive for previous sins."
Archived on the brothel's website on 15 June 2006, we read the following:
"For many years the Chateau 71 is the leading resource for erotic pleasure superior level was in the Osnabrück area."
But: "Times change and the better is the enemy of good, so was the Chateau of Chateau Club 71 now."
Even promotions
The brothel knows to praise themselves:
"Soon we will welcome you in our newly renovated and lovingly refurbished premises during the day!
Get to know our lovely ladies a drink at the bar completely redesigned.
Without obligation to look around us, our women spend just as you wish an unforgettable time with you.
All our ladies are anxious to make your stay with us an ecstatic celebration of the senses.
From 20.00 clock will give the club the other guests a journey into the world of eroticism, which puts everything else in the shadow of what they have experienced so far.
Each of our parties is under a certain motto:
Friday - House Party
Saturday - Topless Party
Sunday - Straps party
To all our parties our ladies show their exciting live shows
What can you expect as a guest in our house?
Of course, their imagination and our ladies are no limits, anything is possible!
To name just a few of the ways in which you can experience in our house:
French (and total), Girlfriend Sex, Greek, facials, cum on body, Russian, - Bi - Games, Spanish, massages of all kinds, English, 69, Swedish, tenderness, NS, kisses, foot fetish, menage a trois
Since not all the ladies offer the same service, you just ask our friendly service which provides the required service of the ladies present.
All of our lovely ladies are sympathetic and always ready to respond to unusual requests and not listed here, do not hesitate to point the lady of your choice on your needs.
Ask about our special promotions! "
German President Christian Wulff scandal
Wulff is silent in response to allegations of Christmas
President Christian Wulff said in his Christmas address not on the allegations surrounding seinenn private credit, and his connections to fellow entrepreneurs, as our experienced editorial staff. At the Bellevue Palace on Wednesday afternoon in the recorded speech Wulff spoke about the cohesion of society and Europe.
Press to Wulff, "sold for stupid"
To the TV recording around 70 guests were invited. This was to volunteers such as representatives of the Samaritans and the fire department as well as participants of the first naturalization ceremony at Bellevue Castle this year. This was followed by a reception. The Christmas message of the President is always recorded a few days before the festival and aired on Christmas Day. Wulff has mentioned in his speech also be meeting with relatives of the neo-Nazi murders, participants reported the news agency Reuters.
Wulff is due a credit from the contractor's wife Edith Geerkens in the criticism. Before the Lower Saxony Parliament, the then Prime Minister had assured that he had entertained no business relationship with the entrepreneur Egon Geerkens. The low-interest loan of € 500,000-wife he did not mention. On weekends, he had also disclosed that he several times as Prime Minister spent holidays in holiday homes of entrepreneurs.
Geerkens helped in the selection of the house
The pressure on the President had been growing in recent days: Sun Wulff was confirmed by his lawyer that the businessman Egon Geerkens in the talks on the loan of his wife to the then prime minister of Lower Saxony in 2008, was involved. At the same Wulff received conspicuously support from the coalition. Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the "Berliner Zeitung" that he had "full confidence" in the head of state. The President of practicing "his position Excellent" from. Wulff's resignation completed a de Maiziere indirectly. Support was also the head of state of the CSU politicians Ilse Aigner and Gerda Hasselfeldt.
Bettina and Christian Wulff on Christmas Tour
Egon Geerkens Wulff also advised at that time in the selection of the house, for the purchase Wulff later borrowed money from Geerkens woman. "The modalities were discussed together, the loans granted by Mrs. Edith Geerkens," it says in the opinion of the Wulff-lawyer Gernot Lehr. Egon Geerkens was "because of his special expertise and integrated to the friendly relations". The lawyer confirmed that days later, a presentation, which had reported the magazine "Der Spiegel" last week due to already Geerkens-looking statements.
According to the Düsseldorf political scientist Ulrich von Alemann is in the negotiated loan between the entrepreneur and the couple-couple Geerkens Wulff to a business relationship. Whether the "offense of falsehood 'statements concerning Wulff's present, must be clarified in the state parliament of Lower Saxony. Attorney teacher said to her the "Tagesspiegel" loud preliminary report: "The conversation among friends about the possible purchase of a house no business relationship Represents"
The anti-corruption organization Transparency International was outraged. "Normal state officials may not even give the appearance that they obtain for personal use favors," the chairman Edda Mueller told Reuters TV. Moreover, is the only resource of this office, "the word and integrity." Wulff must agree to fully fast. Cologne's Cardinal Joachim Meissner moved the President in a televised broadcast of the WDR, according to media reports in the vicinity of a "poor sinner". He envied him not to hold in this situation, the Christmas message.
Bettina Wulff - Stylish in the Orient
SPD politician: Wulff makes things worse
The Lower Saxony SPD politician Sebastian Edathy inside Wulff threw a lack of awareness. Wulff tactics and things to do worse than they were, he said in Germany radio and reminded of the case of retired former defense minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Greens leader Cem Ozdemir said the "taz", Wulff on moral issues have always set the bar very high and even now it would be measured.
In contrast CSU party chief Hasselfeldt demanded in the "New Osnabrück newspaper" an end to the debate "out of respect for the office." Consumer Minister Aigner said the "Rheinische Post", Wulff had disclosed everything ". This is the most important thing" With cancellation expects the coalition is not revealed. De Maziere said when asked whether the up-coming election of the President ". I do not think"
The Wulff admire the Orient
Meanwhile, the justice turned into the investigation. A spokesman for the Hanover public prosecutor confirmed that there were several complaints against Wulff in connection with the loan for his house purchase and its holidays received. These would now be examined.
In Lower Saxony, the opposition is still undecided, by what means she wants to educate the Wulff affair. While the Left Party called for a committee of inquiry are SPD and Greens, such a body with respect to or opposition, because in their view this would be too time consuming.
Comment of Bettina Wulff: Can you believe the rumors?
Worked for the wife of the President for an escort service?
We are at this point against any polemics, propaganda, and dogmatism. If one considers the recent rumors of Germany's First Lady Bettina Wulff believe, may give to the Federal President Christian Wulff still moving on thin ice.
Some German bloggers bring Wulff's wife is currently increasing in connection with prostitution and escort-Servie, especially in this context, the famous sex clubs "Artemis" and "Chateau" called. Source: retired-news: Link
After the heated debate about the alleged personal loan of half a million euros to Christian Wulff, the book alleged covert funding and campaign assistance from Carsten Maschmeyer, threatens the Wullf scandal spread further.
Is our President "too big to fail?" Is he still credible?
Also an article from the newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" Bettina Wulff moved increasingly into the sights of scandal. This was brought up for discussion, whether the First Lady may have to blame that the President has his "degree" lost. For the first time in the history of the Federal President was in this context even questioned whether Wulff has assumed the presidency of salary reasons.
In another blog rumors that the "Bild" newspaper
could come up soon with a story from the past by Bettina Wulff. After this, the editors have said about that before, "on instructions from above" can not be printed. Source: Link
Since consumption of Wülffi now a thick sheepskin!
Monday, 19 December 2011
Korea's Kim Jong-il dies of heart failure
The North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il has died at the age of 69 years ago during a train ride. His sudden death put Asia on alert mood.
Sudden death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il military on Saturday, which was first reported on Monday morning, has put the entire Asian region from Japan to South Korea on alert mood.
South Korea's military ordered the monitoring of borders, and cried out for the army alert. President Lee Myung-bak said at all events, the National Security Council gathered for crisis meeting.
U.S. President Barack Obama stood since the first news of the death in close contact with the "two U.S. allies, South Korea and Japan," it said from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. "We are required to maintain stability in the region and the freedom and security of our allies committed."
The North Korean state television reported, according to the Beijing China News Agency that the 28-year-old son Kim Jong-un to be successor.
The Central Committee of the Workers' Party, which required both military commissions and North Korea's so-called parliament in a communique to the death of Kim Jong-il, that all "loyal to the leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong-un".
North Korea, which since 2006 has ordered a nuclear power, ten days of national mourning of 19 to 29 December and was at a funeral committee, which includes 200 of the highest representatives of the army and government. The chair has the Trauerkommitees son and successor Kim Jong-un.
The state funeral is on 28 Held in Pyongyang in December. Foreigners are not invited. The corpse is laid out in Kim's Kumsusan Mausoleum in Pyongyang to take farewell of the population. In the gigantic mausoleum is also preserved in a glass shrine, embalmed corpse of his father.
China's Xinhua news agency had reported the first announced by North Korea's KCNA news service news of his death. Thus was the North Korean dictator, who ruled his 24 million citizens with an iron fist, at the age of 69 years died in a train on Saturday morning at 8:30 clock in physical exhaustion. He apparently collapsed while the train.
KCNA said: "He died with great mental and physical effort on an inspection tour to the country."
Rumors of an attempt to forestall or stop, the State Agency also recognizes that Kim, who had already suffered a stroke in August 2008, had been "a long time in medical treatment for his heart disease. He suffered an acute heart attack. "
All first-aid measure aims "had failed and could not save his life." An autopsy on Sunday, "confirmed the medical findings."
Kim would be on 16 February 70 years old. He was preparing grandiose 100-year celebrations before the birth anniversary of his father, President Kim Il-song, on 15 Was born in April 1912.
With his birthday begins the saga of North Korea's family dynasty that has even introduced for under the formula of the Juche ideology since taking power in 1948 Stalinist-ruled country has its own era of almost 100 years now.
Kim Jong-il had 2010's on 8 Born in January 1983 and thus now almost 28-year-old son Kim Jong-un as his successor and introduced him in a flash to General and Vice Chairman of the Military Commission appointed, brought into the Politburo and Central Committee member made the Korean Workers Party.
The designated leader who was once reportedly enrolled at a Swiss boarding school in 1997, is a completely foreign to the unknown quantity. Until recently, not even his exact birth date was known. There is also no official biography of him.
Kim Jong-il had taken over control of North Korea in 1994 by his then father died of a heart attack also. His greatest achievement was in the eyes of the North Korean elite, that he be plagued by famine and made for ten years on food aid to survive a nuclear-dependent country was in power.
North Korea as a nuclear power was so unassailable in the U.S. and escaped the fate of Iraq and Libya. Kim's chief political ally, China was, by the DPRK in its energy supply, Nahrungsmittelnm, trade-investment .and is increasingly dependent in recent years. Kim visited China five times in the past few years and only twice Russia.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Former Czech President Vaclav Havel dies
He was only dissenter, then president, until political prisoners, then moral authority of international standing. He was only a symbolic figure for the resistance against the Communists and then for the democratic change in the Czech Republic. Vaclav Havel, the "poet president", has died at the age of 75.
Political theater of the absurd and daily business: Much contradictory to the contents of a human life to be. That both have many points of contact at times - especially when the system is a communist, Vaclav Havel, in the sixties and seventies proved impressive.
Vaclav Havel, a European life
Havel was during the communist era of Czechoslovakia (1948-1989) was the key figure in the nonviolent struggle against the regime. In 1989 Havel was one of the representatives of the democratic awakening. The cries of the masses on Prague's Wenceslas Square - "Havel to the Castle" - in 1989 catapulted him into the presidency of the new democratic Czechoslovakia. For four years he was president of the country, then, until 2003, head of state of the newly formed Czech Republic.
The father owned real estate in Prague and a cabaret-restaurant, but was dispossessed soon after the Second World War - because of this "bourgeois" origin Havel was hampered in his training. He's trained as a laboratory assistant, took after high school, studied transport economics. But he could not complete the study because he was - had applied to the Academy of Performing Arts - in vain. Finally he was allowed to study drama, which he graduated in 1966.
Even as a young man, Havel wrote in the journal Reviews květen (May), soon followed in all the important contributions Czech literary magazines. In 1960 he wrote his first play, the one-act Rodinný večer (family night), but it was first performed in 2000. After a year as a stagehand at the ABC Theatre in Prague, Havel worked from 1960 until the summer of 1968 at the Prague "zábradlí Divadlo na" (Theatre on the railing), first as a stage technician and later as a dramaturge and resident playwright. On the side he was an assistant director at the City Theater Alfred Radok aside.
In December 1963, Havel's play "The Garden Party" premiered two years later, "Notification" - satires which recall the work of French writer Eugene Ionesco. With the resources of the theater of the absurd, he satirises the bureaucracy and the solidification of social life in the repressive era of socialism. The dangers of totalitarian power claims for the state and the individual remained throughout his life the theme of Havel's work.
During a writers conference in June 1967, he sharply attacked as bold as the state censorship and the power apparatus of the Communist Party. In 1968 Havel was during the Prague Spring, chairman of the "Club of Independent Writers" and was among the 150 signatories of an open letter to the Central Committee of the Czech Communist Party. Their demand: more democracy.
The writer acted as spokesman for the non-Communist intellectuals who supported the reforms introduced by Alexander Dubcek process. After the invasion of the Warsaw Pact was not allowed to publish Havel - he lived on a remote farm, and earned his living as a laborer in a brewery.
In the following years, Havel was banned in his homeland and was ignored - at the same time strengthened in his international reputation as a playwright. On numerous pieces of German stage celebrating his great successes, Havel was honored with a number of literary prizes. In Czechoslovakia, but he was still harassed.
Image gallery to the topic
Vaclav Havel
A European life
In October 1977 he was sentenced a few months after the foundation of human and civil rights movement "Charter 77", for the first time because of "subversive" and "subversive" activities to a prison term. A year later, he was the regime under house arrest - because he continues for civil rights and began appearing in the self-published pieces and writings published abroad. After setting up a "Committee for the Defense of Victims of injustice", he was arrested again in 1979 and eventually convicted for "Revolutionary Road" four and a half years in prison.
Hard times at home
The 1979-1982 written from prison "Letters to Olga," his first wife died in 1996, gave to the readers in the West a glimpse of the injustice and hopelessness that time. "Olga's antenna was a reality," recalled Jiri Grusa, companion and from 1990 to 1997 Ambassador in Germany, in a radio interview. She was a counterweight to the philosophically interested writers and tried to warn him, even if the political commitment was too risky.
"They keep you in the cage - they put you behind bars Havlitschku -. Havel". The protest song written in 1977 by singer-songwriter Jaroslav Hutka for his imprisoned friend Havel. The dissident became a symbol of resistance against the Communists. The song accompanied the days of the Velvet Revolution in 1989.
In the upheaval of 1989 won the "Power of the Powerless," Havel said the title of essays from the year 1978. On Wenceslas Square resounded to cries of "Havel to the Castle." The regime fell, and dissidents like Havel and Jiri Dienstbier, who died in January to build democratic structures. As the new President Havel of Czechoslovakia elected as the first destination of a trip abroad, the two German states. He said that the relations with its larger neighbor has a key role in the future.
In his early years as President Havel is revered by most of his compatriots. He embodied the hopes of the Czechs to a new democratic beginning. But the respect faded quickly - because the political and economic changes demanded many victims of the Czechs. And Havel, the politician who could not deliver. Instead, he swung philosophical speeches, which did not meet the real life of his people. Abroad, the Czech president, however, was highly regarded - but in his homeland, he became increasingly marginalized. The former dissident, was the stimulus figure. In 2003 he retired from the office.
Politically, remained healthy for years to heavily damaged last Havel. In July of this year, he threatened to return the German Quadriga Prize, even after this to the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin should be awarded. The controversial ceremony was canceled. The price should rather be awarded to a Chinese dissident and political prisoner Liu Xiaobo, Havel sent a message then.
Havel knew what freedom means a penalty for dissidents. He died Sunday morning at the age of 75.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Victims of Liege massacre mourned in Belgium
Liege is mourning the victims.
Are one day after the deadly attack on Belgian Liege on Wednesday more information on the offender's criminal past became revealed. The 33-year-old Nordine Amrani was on the day of the crime charged because of an alleged moral offense to a police interrogation, a prosecutor said Daniele Reynders. At the home of several previous convictions, police found another man killed.
Liege is mourning the victims
Liege after the massacre attack
Be known in November for the first time since his release from prison in October 2010 allegations against Amrani, Reynders said at a news conference. It would involve an allegation of sexual offenses, on 13 November "in the form of an action against X" is entered. The Liege prosecutor offered no details. According to a report in the newspaper "Le Soir", the complaint referred to "touch". According to Reynders Amrani after receipt of the complaint could be identified due to a number plate found at the scene. Therefore, he was summoned on Tuesday at 13.00 clock to the police. Instead of appearing there, the 33-year-old, however, four grenades fired on the central Saint-Lambert Place, Liege and fired into the crowd.Then he killed himself with a shot to the head, according to the law itself have medicine, Amrani, "shot in the middle of the forehead," said Reynders. The gunman did not leave a letter in which he explains his actions. Two 15 and 17 year old boy and a 17-month-old infant died from shots. A 75-year-old woman who was initially counted among the casualties, was located Wednesday afternoon with severe injuries in hospital. Also, five other people were seriously hurt, total amounts to 125 the number of injured
In the night of Wednesday, the police found in a warehouse next to Amranis house where the 33-year cultivated cannabis, the corpse of a 45-year-old woman. This was according to the authorities to the cleaning lady of his neighbor. It was assumed that he had killed the woman, shortly before he had made on Tuesday afternoon on the way to Saint-Lambert Place, the Prosecutor General of Liege Cedric Visart de Bocarme said in the Belgian Radio.
Police acquaintance perpetrators
The 33-year-old had, according to prosecutor Reynders his life to do with justice. He was convicted of approximately 20 times including weapons and drug possession, receiving stolen property and indecency. Amrani was recently sentenced to five years in prison. After three years he was released in October 2010 under the condition of a probation of eight months. Amranis Abdlehadi Amrani lawyer who is not related to the perpetrator, said his client was due to the many processes "used up" and had been "harassed" by police felt. Interior Minister Joelle Milquet said none of the previous cases have dealt with murder. In view of the fact that the police four years ago in Amranis house large quantities of weapons and ammunition found, said Milquet, had too many weapons in circulation in Belgium.
Liege is mourning the victims of the attack
The day after the assassination the citizens of Liege with flowers of the victims have thought. They placed at the bus stop in the center, where people were hit by bullets and shrapnel, down with tears in his eyes roses. "Let us as a city of Liege live peace," was written on a piece of paper. Everyday life seemed again to take its usual course: The city that had been swept clean as the day before, was repopulated. Children went to school, people flocked to work, waiting for their buses, also at the site of the massacre.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Pirate Party condemns house raid at Wikileaks
Press release
Topic: Pirate Party to control the content of communications on the Internet
Creator: ~ ~
Status: shipped
Responsible editor: le
tested by these editors: le,
Outline: Federal Government
sent on 25/03/2009
Pirate Party condemns raid on house of WikiLeaks,de domain owner
The police searched the residence on Monday evening by the domain owner wikileaks,de, Theodor Reppe. The background is obviously the release of secret internet censorship lists from various countries such as Australia, Denmark, Thailand on the Wikileaks website. The implementation of the search via a Stasi type raid on the premises has numerous legal irregularities and also highlights again the totally inadequate knowledge of the police officers regarding the attitude information on the Internet. The charge does not seem to be clear that Mr. Reppe owns the domain owner no substantive powers.A domain is only a traffic sign, not the street. The Pirate Party condemns this kind of action via Gestapo methods by the Saxon and Thuringian police sharp. This Dirk Hillbrecht, chairman of the Pirate Party: "Obviously the state is trying here to harass critical citizens to intimidate and otherwise as an explanation for this action would only high-grade technical incompetence, coupled with blind activism In both cases, a bad feeling created by the state of our.. liberal democracy. "
The Pirate Party was last fall victim of a dawn raid on the basis of materials of the Bavarian government in connection with the improper use of the so-called Trojan horse country. The Pirate Party declared its solidarity with the work of the organization Wikileaks and sees with concern the worsening trend of those in power to shift their censorship efforts to further and further into the secret area and be protected by criminal means. Far-reaching are the signals by which retention and house searches are sent out with dubious methods. The results as a whole saw a picture of the experiment a constant state of intimidation and preventive mature citizens. Not least this is what makes the law in question.
Federal Press Office:
Simon Long
Phone: 030 / 999 13 50 96
Mobil: 0163 / 949 76 84
Pirate Party of Germany
Pflugstrasse 9a
10115 Berlin
Journalists generally usable images can be found at:
The Pirate Party of Germany (PIRATE) are dealing with critical issues of the 21stCentury. The right to privacy, transparent government, a modernization of the copyright, free culture, free knowledge and free communication are the basic objectives of the PIRATES.
In the general election in September 2009, the Pirate Party of the state 2.0 percent or 847 870 votes. Compared to the European elections in June 2009 (0.9 per cent, 229 464 votes), the pirates could quadruple the number of their votes almost even.The Pirate Party now has 11,000 members over.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Wikileaks warns of mass surveillance on the internet
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange warns of mass surveillance.
LONDON (GB) - stealth Afterwards bugs or design? The spies are no longer necessary. According to Wikileaks, surveillance programs for cell phones and e-mails are now widely used and are sold by the West in a big way even in dictatorships.
"Do they have a smartphone? They use e-mail? . Ok, you have a problem, "Wikileaks founder Julian Assange clearly says: Who has a modern mobile phone or does his post on the Internet which is against espionage and surveillance are not as good as certain. New revelations of the Internet platform which trade with such intelligence technology has now reached such proportions that the world is a global, "totalitarian police state" approaches.
What was a decade ago still proceed in small, have now developed into an international industry, Assange said on Thursday in London. One of the many problems here: companies from the West to sell the technology and dictatorships.This in turn use it to track people or even to murder. "It sounds like something from Hollywood, but it's true," said Assange.
For some time they had heard the name of Wikileaks, especially in connection with Assange and its current extradition from Britain to Sweden. There, the 40-year-old be questioned on suspicion of sexual abuse.
Published for the first time since a long time the Internet activists now new documents. In this is proved by their own admission, that firms in the west earn a fortune with surveillance technology to be misused by dictators including in Arab countries. The programs can listen to loud Wikileaks calls, access to data and e-mails and even make phone photos. Victim would not notice that the software was installed on the phone.
In a list are often large and famous companies from Germany, France, Great Britain, the USA, Canada and other countries named, which will produce such systems. 160 companies from 25 countries are to follow in the coming months further details. At the presentation in London before one of the activists featured many programs: A large French company has sold a few years ago, according to Wikileaks technology to Libya's now dead dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi. A list of email addresses that were stored inside the computer experts say, show: Gaddafi monitored both enemies and allies at home and abroad.
"The 11th September 2001, the U.S. and countries in Europe, where a license to develop intelligence systems that affect us all, "said Assange. Often, such technology or software is illegal in the countries of origin - the sale abroad but it was not clear enough regulated. "Profit is often more important than human lives," said activist Jacob Appelbaum.
But with legal action alone could be the mass counter espionage is no longer always said Assange. "I think we do not win this war through legislation. The global totalitarian police state can only be stopped by a counter-software that is blocking the programs. "
Thursday, 1 December 2011
German intelligence operatives involved in murders?
Murder of Heilbronner policewomen
Were German intelligence operatives ("Verfassungsschutz") present at
the murder of Michele Kiesewetter?
Records of the U.S. military intelligence, suggest that intelligence
authorities were nearby, when a policewoman in Heilbronn was murdered
allegedly by the Zwickau neo-Nazi gang that were possibly working for
the German intelligence services.
Officials at the scene of the crime scene: the U.S. military
intelligence documents indicate that intelligence authorities may have
been at the time of the murder of the Theresienwiese. The
"Verfassungsschutz" may have been near the crime scene, as shot four
years ago in Heilbronn on the Theresienwiese a policewoman and her
colleague was seriously injured. The Star reported on Thursday in its
latest edition of a secret surveillance report from an American Secret
Under surveillance, according to the Protocol on Apr 25, 2007, a
special unit of the U.S. Military Intelligence Agency, the "SIT
Stuttgart" (Special Investigation Team) two persons in a bank in the
city of Heilbronn "2.3 Mil. EURO (S)" deposits ("Deposited"). Have
been on the observation according to the U.S. domestic intelligence
report will also include two from Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria ("BW
LFV OR BAVARIA") involved.
about the intelligence report from the U.S. in the new star
After leaving the bank, the two target persons went to the
Theresienwiese. There was the observation aborted because of a
"firearms incident", was implicated in the per protocol and an officer
from Baden-Wuerttemberg. Literally it says in the report of the
BW Ops officer had been involved with the extreme right and regular
police patrols on site.")
When it was under observation the Mevlüt K. and an unidentified
companion closer. The German Turk K. originates from Ludwigshafen and
had planned to findings of the Federal 2007 contact with the Islamist
"Sauerland Group," the terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in
Germany. Mevlüt K. procured the terrorists planned 26 detonators for
the bombs.
Now why would "Neonazis" be presented, when Islamists do a transaction
like that? Could it be that the intelligence services make use of
people posing as right wingers to do their dirty work?
Monday, 21 November 2011
WikiLeaks briefly world power
failed with it.
Julian Assange speaks at a rally in London to Occupy the demonstrators.
Also hope to fail sometimes, and that may not always bad. Failed is
now Julian Assange, the founder and frontman of Wikileaks. Unveiling
the platform must adjust their work on the Internet, he said this
week, temporarily, for lack of money. The man who had searched the
vicinity of powerful newspapers and magazines editors in chief a year
ago: broke. The web organization that wanted to replace the
traditional journalism in the Internet age: offline. What does that
say about Assange and his idea? And what it says about the power of
Assange and WikiLeaks were great because they had a great opponent.
The opponent was the America of George W. Bush, a great power, which
sank during its war against terror in paranoia and hypocrisy. After
the attacks of 11 September Bush built his security and intelligence
apparatus from excessive and no one should know exactly what happened
in Guantanamo Bay or the rendition flights by the CIA. All top secret.
The Bush administration has used the secret inflationary, and it
became a code word for potentially illegal, state action.
It is no coincidence that the great WikiLeaks revelations are all from
the Bush era: the Afghan and Iraqi war protocols especially the last
Guantánamo protocols and in large parts of the embassy dispatches. The
blackout policy promoted the obsessive desire for enlightenment.
Transparency makes government action and clearly visible. That was the
message proclaimed Julian Assange the world to press full-bodied. It
is based on the hacker ethic, "Information wants to be free" The idea
was not new, but out of his mouth, for the audience it sounded
The outstanding talent of Julian Assange was not that he had invented
a new cyber philosophy, but that he created the illusion that he,
Julian could brighten and improve the world. And anyone who wanted to
be there, could participate. He was the right person at the right time
to carry an idea from a subculture into the mainstream. Who knows, if
nobody listened to him with someone when he on the stage of world
opinion is not 2010, but had entered in 2000, this guy with a gray
mane, Australian accent, and some computer skills, which made him
appear as a magician of modern times.
Of the future promise of the computer through the resistance against
the U.S. by the social revolution inspired by the outsider - the same
multiple Redemption fantasies were projected on Assange. That the
enemy struck back, insulted him and pursued by investigators and
boycott calls, let him appear just rebellious and martyr-like. Every
age needs its heroes, and for a moment Assange was a hero of the
Internet era, for a moment he stood for the "new world power
Only Assange is just not a magician, but only human. With fame came
the fear that others would reveal his secrets and to him. He quarreled
with his colleagues over, threw himself with its media partners and,
most recently with the publisher, for whom he wanted to write his
Assange once described in an essay, how conspiratorial networks
functioned. The decisive point, he wrote the WikiLeaks founders, that
the conspirators were never informed about all the other accomplices.
They are connected only by the flow of information. Who put the open,
reveal the network. Assange wanted to expose so the American
government, but also corrupt banks and governments elsewhere. In fact,
this picture can also apply by WikiLeaks itself: Assange distrusted
its media partners and its employees. Some had to sign contracts with
a confidentiality clause in the event of breach of contract they faced
heavy fines. Everything was top secret, just like under Bush.
Wikileaks document: US-German paper reveals Euro-misjudgment
Greece, was glad the federal government to be able to conceal the
truth of the Germans.
One may think about Wikileaks, what you want. But now there paper
published by the U.S. Embassy in Berlin to the government in
Washington illuminates a very special way, the German attitude to the
Greek crisis. Strictly speaking it is a document that appalling
ignorance and gross miscalculations of the German side also reveals
how their political understanding.
Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and George Papandreou at the EU summit
on 11 February 2010 in Brussels
The confidential document from the U.S. Embassy on the Wikileaks
website: The publication could be uncomfortable for Germany
In the paper there are records of meetings, the Ambassador Philip D.
Murphy and his staff with senior government officials and financial
managers conducted in Germany. Murphy, by the way even from the
financial sector.
The Harvard graduate was 23 years in the employ of the New York
investment bank Goldman Sachs, he worked for them in Frankfurt, New
York and Hong Kong, and from 2003 to 2006 he was senior director in
the New York headquarters.
Sufficient information to citizens denied
All records from Murphy's message came in the weeks leading up to the
EU summit in February 2010. At that time the Greek debt crisis became
acute. But the federal government refused to appear to perceive the
seriousness of the situation and inform the public adequately. In any
case, put the records to this conclusion.
Before the summit, the situation of the Greeks within the German
government has been back and forth discussion, write the U.S.
diplomats. Only the government had wanted to conceal their citizens a
foreseeable disaster as long as possible.
Scenario one: catharsis
Greece's Euro exit the monetary union and division
"No one appreciated the idea that German taxpayers who had already
been worried about the German record deficit, to say that they have to
foot the bill for the irresponsible behavior of another country," says
the diplomat's report.
An employee of the Ministry of Finance have stated to embassy staff,
the citizens of Germany were in the situation in Greece is almost
"disgusted". Thus the German Government was pleased that at the EU
summit on 11th February 2010, no concrete assistance for Greece had
been agreed.
"Chancellor Merkel is relieved that they do not explain to their
citizens now have, why the federal government must increase its debt
to save the Greeks," wrote the U.S. diplomats.
"A bailout would set a precedent"
Wolfgang Merz, a senior official at the Treasury Department,
evaluated the outcome of the summit therefore extends to the U.S. side
as follows: ". It would involve too many downside risks to start now
relief", adding: "Moreover, would a rescue package for the Greeks a
precedent for EU countries like Spain and Portugal make it. "
At that time, the German expert was also an intervention of the
International Monetary Fund should not be imagined. It is highly
unlikely that the IMF will ask for a bailout for Greece, Karlheinz
Bischofberger said of the European Central Bank, the U.S. diplomat.
That it turned out differently, is now known.
7th November: Papandreou makes room
While listening to the U.S. diplomat's assessment of their German
interlocutors patiently. Their analysis, however, painted a very
different picture of the situation.
In the evaluative summary of the paper for the U.S. government sign
the diplomats: "In fact, the federal government to play, the ECB and
the private German economist Ernst Greek predicament and its effect on
the stability of the euro down."
Pointed at the exits of Germany
Most notable are statements with which the Chief Economist of
Deutsche Bank, Thomas Mayer quoted. In conversation with Ambassador
Murphy is said to have pointed to some real exit opportunities in
Germany from the euro zone.
He referred to an alleged decision by the Federal Constitutional
Court from the 90s. Accordingly, a withdrawal was possible in Germany,
"if the monetary union to an inflation zone" or the German taxpayers
to the "de facto savior" would.
Therefore, Mayer had a "Chapter 11 for all euro-zone states" proposed
"to put all the states in distress among financial supervisors, was
brought back to their house in order." Unfortunately, it does not give
serious discussion on this proposal, Mayer regretted the U.S. diplomat
Meanwhile, this has probably changed. After the recent summit, there
is evidence that Greece could be the first economic guardianship of
the Euro zone.
Wikileaks faces an uncertain future
Thousands of fans want to demonstrate for his release: This
Wednesday, a London court decides on the extradition of Julian Assange
to Sweden. But even if the Wikileaks founders are responsible for the
alleged sexual abuse of two women there could not be there with its
unveiling platform soon be over.
It will probably have to complete this Wednesday before the London
High Court supporters of the Australian Julian Assange announced,
demonstrating for the release of Wikileaks founder. And Assange has
many supporters. The High Court shall decide whether Assange will be
extradited to Sweden. There he will hear the authorities into
allegations of sexual harassment, the two women have made in recent
years. Assange denies the allegations. Was behind the attempt to
discredit him because of his work.
This work is partly the reason that many supporters probably open to
the High Court, but on the other hand it is also the reason that
Assange has many enemies. He founded the Web site Wikileaks has
published hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. documents dealing with
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In addition, Wikileaks has published
250 000 embassy dispatches, which was for the U.S. government at least
However, these publications could soon come to an end, no matter must
answer whether or not Assange in Sweden. Just over a week in London
Assange said that Wikileaks will at the end of this year, out of
money. Therefore, it will initially be no more revelations, because
they wanted to concentrate on fundraising. This will in turn
complicated by the fact that block various American companies
Wikileaks. Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Western Union and Bank of America
lead no further money to the organization. According to Wikileaks
Assange have been lost because 95 percent of potential inflows,
Wikileaks staff estimate that 40 to 50 million euros they could have
Enormous legal costs
Several times Assange has recently stressed that no specific for
Wikileaks money flowed into his London trial (there is a separate
account for donations, which is not blocked for instance by Paypal).
Court costs are huge because Assange has been fighting for eleven
months against his extradition. The approximately 500,000 €, which he
received from the publisher Canongate as an advance for his
autobiography, has retained the law firm Finer Stephens Innocent, to
cover their costs.
Assange accused the lawyers before then, that she charged too much.
They separated in the dispute. Even with the publisher Assange is in
the clinch. He had withdrawn the authorization of the autobiography
(previously he had a ghostwriter for 50 hours of his life told).
Canongate published it in September but with the subtitle: "The
Unauthorized Autobiography." Assange, who was known as a man, without
authorization of the documents released, was exposed to some ridicule.
The last eleven Assange spent months in the UK under house arrest,
which it did not prevent them, occasionally appearing in public.
Should be decided by the High Court against extradition, Assange would
soon be a free man in the other case he could be brought within two
weeks after Sweden. However, his lawyers will try to bring the case
before the British Supreme Court, which would be possible only if the
High Court in the matter of an overarching theme of "public
significance" recognizes.
Verdict on Wikileaks investigations
Has the U.S. Justice the right to obtain the data in investigations
of Twitter users around the world? In the case of Wikileaks, a judge
has now confirmed this. Activists speak of a severe blow to freedom of
expression and privacy.
The online message service Twitter is handed over to the U.S.
Department of Justice data on the accounts of three Wikileaks
supporters - this statement has now confirmed a district judge in the
U.S. state of Virginia.
Click to enlarge
Wikileaks supporters (Archive picture): no protection by the U.S.
Department of Justice.
Stakeholders and the civil rights organization Electronic Frontier
Foundation (EFF) expressed disappointment. "With this decision the
court says all users of online services, based in the U.S. that the
U.S. government has a secret access to their data," criticized the
Icelandic member of parliament Birgitta Jonsdottir, one of the three
persons whose data is the U.S. Justice has requested.
The decision was "a big step backwards for the legacy of the U.S. in
the freedom of expression and the right to privacy."
The dispute concerns in particular the IP address, which is the unique
machine identifier for the publication of certain tweets (messages).
Judge Liam O'Grady had now returned to Alexandria in the U.S. state of
Virginia, the Board of stakeholders that are associated with the IP
address and private information about their whereabouts. An IP address
could not be evaluated differently than a phone number.
No disclosure statement
Thus the district judge confirmed a decision by Federal Judge Theresa
Buchanan in March this year. This was, with the transfer of data would
not violate privacy rights.
The judge leaned back, the demand of the plaintiff to disclose the
statement to Twitter. The United States had a "compelling interest to
protect their ongoing investigation" and that weigh more than the
interests of stakeholders and the public interest, was O'Grady. From
this disclosure, the plaintiffs hoped to evidence whether other
Internet companies were ordered to disclose data. Twitter had informed
its members from the statement of the judiciary.
U.S. programmers also affected Appelbaum
Affected by the arrangement next Jonsdottir are also the U.S.
programmers Jacob Appelbaum and Dutch Rop Gonggrijp. All three - as
well as countless other Twitter users - have been mainly in the autumn
of last year raised about the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and the
publication of internal memos from U.S. embassies around the world.
The U.S. government has been trying for some time to take action
against Wikileaks, because it holds the secret revelations of
classified diplomatic and military end Peschen reports about the wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan illegal.
In London, Assange fears that he might be on the order of the British
judiciary to his deportation to Sweden and then expelled to the United
States. The Swedish Justice investigating him for sexual harassment.