Monday, 21 November 2011

WikiLeaks briefly world power

The unveiling was large platform WikiLeaks by Julian Assange. And
failed with it.

Julian Assange speaks at a rally in London to Occupy the demonstrators.

Also hope to fail sometimes, and that may not always bad. Failed is
now Julian Assange, the founder and frontman of Wikileaks. Unveiling
the platform must adjust their work on the Internet, he said this
week, temporarily, for lack of money. The man who had searched the
vicinity of powerful newspapers and magazines editors in chief a year
ago: broke. The web organization that wanted to replace the
traditional journalism in the Internet age: offline. What does that
say about Assange and his idea? And what it says about the power of

Assange and WikiLeaks were great because they had a great opponent.
The opponent was the America of George W. Bush, a great power, which
sank during its war against terror in paranoia and hypocrisy. After
the attacks of 11 September Bush built his security and intelligence
apparatus from excessive and no one should know exactly what happened
in Guantanamo Bay or the rendition flights by the CIA. All top secret.
The Bush administration has used the secret inflationary, and it
became a code word for potentially illegal, state action.

It is no coincidence that the great WikiLeaks revelations are all from
the Bush era: the Afghan and Iraqi war protocols especially the last
Guantánamo protocols and in large parts of the embassy dispatches. The
blackout policy promoted the obsessive desire for enlightenment.
Transparency makes government action and clearly visible. That was the
message proclaimed Julian Assange the world to press full-bodied. It
is based on the hacker ethic, "Information wants to be free" The idea
was not new, but out of his mouth, for the audience it sounded

The outstanding talent of Julian Assange was not that he had invented
a new cyber philosophy, but that he created the illusion that he,
Julian could brighten and improve the world. And anyone who wanted to
be there, could participate. He was the right person at the right time
to carry an idea from a subculture into the mainstream. Who knows, if
nobody listened to him with someone when he on the stage of world
opinion is not 2010, but had entered in 2000, this guy with a gray
mane, Australian accent, and some computer skills, which made him
appear as a magician of modern times.

Of the future promise of the computer through the resistance against
the U.S. by the social revolution inspired by the outsider - the same
multiple Redemption fantasies were projected on Assange. That the
enemy struck back, insulted him and pursued by investigators and
boycott calls, let him appear just rebellious and martyr-like. Every
age needs its heroes, and for a moment Assange was a hero of the
Internet era, for a moment he stood for the "new world power

Only Assange is just not a magician, but only human. With fame came
the fear that others would reveal his secrets and to him. He quarreled
with his colleagues over, threw himself with its media partners and,
most recently with the publisher, for whom he wanted to write his

Assange once described in an essay, how conspiratorial networks
functioned. The decisive point, he wrote the WikiLeaks founders, that
the conspirators were never informed about all the other accomplices.
They are connected only by the flow of information. Who put the open,
reveal the network. Assange wanted to expose so the American
government, but also corrupt banks and governments elsewhere. In fact,
this picture can also apply by WikiLeaks itself: Assange distrusted
its media partners and its employees. Some had to sign contracts with
a confidentiality clause in the event of breach of contract they faced
heavy fines. Everything was top secret, just like under Bush.

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