President of criticism
Wulff is silent in response to allegations of Christmas
President Christian Wulff said in his Christmas address not on the allegations surrounding seinenn private credit, and his connections to fellow entrepreneurs, as our experienced editorial staff. At the Bellevue Palace on Wednesday afternoon in the recorded speech Wulff spoke about the cohesion of society and Europe.
Press to Wulff, "sold for stupid"
To the TV recording around 70 guests were invited. This was to volunteers such as representatives of the Samaritans and the fire department as well as participants of the first naturalization ceremony at Bellevue Castle this year. This was followed by a reception. The Christmas message of the President is always recorded a few days before the festival and aired on Christmas Day. Wulff has mentioned in his speech also be meeting with relatives of the neo-Nazi murders, participants reported the news agency Reuters.
Wulff is due a credit from the contractor's wife Edith Geerkens in the criticism. Before the Lower Saxony Parliament, the then Prime Minister had assured that he had entertained no business relationship with the entrepreneur Egon Geerkens. The low-interest loan of € 500,000-wife he did not mention. On weekends, he had also disclosed that he several times as Prime Minister spent holidays in holiday homes of entrepreneurs.
Geerkens helped in the selection of the house
The pressure on the President had been growing in recent days: Sun Wulff was confirmed by his lawyer that the businessman Egon Geerkens in the talks on the loan of his wife to the then prime minister of Lower Saxony in 2008, was involved. At the same Wulff received conspicuously support from the coalition. Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the "Berliner Zeitung" that he had "full confidence" in the head of state. The President of practicing "his position Excellent" from. Wulff's resignation completed a de Maiziere indirectly. Support was also the head of state of the CSU politicians Ilse Aigner and Gerda Hasselfeldt.
Bettina and Christian Wulff on Christmas Tour
Egon Geerkens Wulff also advised at that time in the selection of the house, for the purchase Wulff later borrowed money from Geerkens woman. "The modalities were discussed together, the loans granted by Mrs. Edith Geerkens," it says in the opinion of the Wulff-lawyer Gernot Lehr. Egon Geerkens was "because of his special expertise and integrated to the friendly relations". The lawyer confirmed that days later, a presentation, which had reported the magazine "Der Spiegel" last week due to already Geerkens-looking statements.
According to the Düsseldorf political scientist Ulrich von Alemann is in the negotiated loan between the entrepreneur and the couple-couple Geerkens Wulff to a business relationship. Whether the "offense of falsehood 'statements concerning Wulff's present, must be clarified in the state parliament of Lower Saxony. Attorney teacher said to her the "Tagesspiegel" loud preliminary report: "The conversation among friends about the possible purchase of a house no business relationship Represents"
The anti-corruption organization Transparency International was outraged. "Normal state officials may not even give the appearance that they obtain for personal use favors," the chairman Edda Mueller told Reuters TV. Moreover, is the only resource of this office, "the word and integrity." Wulff must agree to fully fast. Cologne's Cardinal Joachim Meissner moved the President in a televised broadcast of the WDR, according to media reports in the vicinity of a "poor sinner". He envied him not to hold in this situation, the Christmas message.
Bettina Wulff - Stylish in the Orient
SPD politician: Wulff makes things worse
The Lower Saxony SPD politician Sebastian Edathy inside Wulff threw a lack of awareness. Wulff tactics and things to do worse than they were, he said in Germany radio and reminded of the case of retired former defense minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Greens leader Cem Ozdemir said the "taz", Wulff on moral issues have always set the bar very high and even now it would be measured.
In contrast CSU party chief Hasselfeldt demanded in the "New Osnabrück newspaper" an end to the debate "out of respect for the office." Consumer Minister Aigner said the "Rheinische Post", Wulff had disclosed everything ". This is the most important thing" With cancellation expects the coalition is not revealed. De Maziere said when asked whether the up-coming election of the President ". I do not think"
The Wulff admire the Orient
Meanwhile, the justice turned into the investigation. A spokesman for the Hanover public prosecutor confirmed that there were several complaints against Wulff in connection with the loan for his house purchase and its holidays received. These would now be examined.
In Lower Saxony, the opposition is still undecided, by what means she wants to educate the Wulff affair. While the Left Party called for a committee of inquiry are SPD and Greens, such a body with respect to or opposition, because in their view this would be too time consuming.
Comment of Bettina Wulff: Can you believe the rumors?
Worked for the wife of the President for an escort service?
We are at this point against any polemics, propaganda, and dogmatism. If one considers the recent rumors of Germany's First Lady Bettina Wulff believe, may give to the Federal President Christian Wulff still moving on thin ice.
Some German bloggers bring Wulff's wife is currently increasing in connection with prostitution and escort-Servie, especially in this context, the famous sex clubs "Artemis" and "Chateau" called. Source: retired-news: Link
After the heated debate about the alleged personal loan of half a million euros to Christian Wulff, the book alleged covert funding and campaign assistance from Carsten Maschmeyer, threatens the Wullf scandal spread further.
Is our President "too big to fail?" Is he still credible?
Also an article from the newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" Bettina Wulff moved increasingly into the sights of scandal. This was brought up for discussion, whether the First Lady may have to blame that the President has his "degree" lost. For the first time in the history of the Federal President was in this context even questioned whether Wulff has assumed the presidency of salary reasons.
In another blog rumors that the "Bild" newspaper
could come up soon with a story from the past by Bettina Wulff. After this, the editors have said about that before, "on instructions from above" can not be printed. Source: Link
Since consumption of Wülffi now a thick sheepskin!
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