Saturday, 10 December 2011

Wikileaks warns of mass surveillance on the internet

Internet - Wikileaks Wikileaks warns of mass surveillance

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange warns of mass surveillance. 
LONDON (GB) - stealth Afterwards bugs or design? The spies are no longer necessary. According to Wikileaks, surveillance programs for cell phones and e-mails are now widely used and are sold by the West in a big way even in dictatorships.

"Do they have a smartphone? They use e-mail? . Ok, you have a problem, "Wikileaks founder Julian Assange clearly says: Who has a modern mobile phone or does his post on the Internet which is against espionage and surveillance are not as good as certain. New revelations of the Internet platform which trade with such intelligence technology has now reached such proportions that the world is a global, "totalitarian police state" approaches.

What was a decade ago still proceed in small, have now developed into an international industry, Assange said on Thursday in London. One of the many problems here: companies from the West to sell the technology and dictatorships.This in turn use it to track people or even to murder. "It sounds like something from Hollywood, but it's true," said Assange.

For some time they had heard the name of Wikileaks, especially in connection with Assange and its current extradition from Britain to Sweden. There, the 40-year-old be questioned on suspicion of sexual abuse.

Published for the first time since a long time the Internet activists now new documents. In this is proved by their own admission, that firms in the west earn a fortune with surveillance technology to be misused by dictators including in Arab countries. The programs can listen to loud Wikileaks calls, access to data and e-mails and even make phone photos. Victim would not notice that the software was installed on the phone.

In a list are often large and famous companies from Germany, France, Great Britain, the USA, Canada and other countries named, which will produce such systems. 160 companies from 25 countries are to follow in the coming months further details. At the presentation in London before one of the activists featured many programs: A large French company has sold a few years ago, according to Wikileaks technology to Libya's now dead dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi. A list of email addresses that were stored inside the computer experts say, show: Gaddafi monitored both enemies and allies at home and abroad.

"The 11th September 2001, the U.S. and countries in Europe, where a license to develop intelligence systems that affect us all, "said Assange. Often, such technology or software is illegal in the countries of origin - the sale abroad but it was not clear enough regulated. "Profit is often more important than human lives," said activist Jacob Appelbaum.

But with legal action alone could be the mass counter espionage is no longer always said Assange. "I think we do not win this war through legislation. The global totalitarian police state can only be stopped by a counter-software that is blocking the programs. "

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