Saturday, 22 June 2013

Turkey is Muslim - whether it suits the West or not!

The Turkish government has taken in recent days, with massive violence against demonstrators in Istanbul and Ankara. With water cannons and tear gas, the police moved against about thousands of people who had tried to reach the central Taksim Square. Again and again in Istanbul sporadic clashes between the police and critics of the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc threatened the demonstrators in the country with the use of the army.

Should the use of the police against the protests "are not sufficient, the armed forces can be used," said Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc on Monday on TV. In Turkey there for two weeks anti-government protests that were crushed by the police force again. Currently, the safety authority retains mainly. That could also be because Turkey slowly running out of tear gas.

"... Within three weeks, the Turkish police units have fired tear gas at protesters 130,000 cartridges. Now the authority is planning to organize on the fly more than 100,000 cartridges with the gas. Furthermore, another 60 are also water cannons to be purchased, which will be advertised. The excessive use of tear gas against peaceful protesters criticized internationally ... "Source: Whether to participate in the tender for the supply of tear gas and water cannons-German company is not (yet) known!

Erdogan was immediately approached from all sides, it would be hard to deal with the protesters. Already in 1998, the former mayor of Istanbul Erdogan was sentenced to imprisonment for public quoting the following verses:

"Democracy is the only train on which we ascend until we're there. The minarets are our bayonets, the mosques are our barracks "(Source: Erdogan - a master of deception by Jürgen P. feet). [.]

Yevgeny Fedorov, Russian politician and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, represents the current operations in Turkey, the following opinion:

"... The Americans are dissatisfied with the situation, after which many of the states, even their proverbial satellites, your commands are no longer willing to perform. So these are the so-called cleansing in its own ranks. Erdogan himself had the command to attack Syria opposed, that is so far completely clear. He had done so because of the internal political situation in Turkey itself.

Therefore, the Americans said it:

Although OK, you belong to us, so are our ally, our vassal, but since you have the status of a vassal, we will replace you by another hereby vassals. For the reason but since you do not want to go by yourself, we will help you on the jumps with the help of a street revolution ... "(Source: Interview by Yevgeny Fedorov here to read full text)

"... The one-dimensional view of the imperialist-capitalist Turkey is misleading. To understand the complex relationships, one must look beyond the western horizons ... "says Yavuz Özoguz of the website Muslim-market in his article:

Turkey is Muslim - whether it fits or the West! Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE," mysterious "Secret services, info war, crises + wars, quality of life, Lupo Cattivo, media, repression, world domination | Tagged with: Ankara, Claudia Roth demo tourist, demonstrators in Istanbul and Ankara , demonstrations, Turkey is Muslim, dictation of the Empire, Turkey deployment of police, setting against the Zionists, Erdogan - a master of deception, Erdogan was at the height of his reputation, Europe, Turkey, Gezi Park to Istanbul, imperialist-capitalist views Turkey, Interview with Yevgeny Fedorov, Istanbul, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, anti-government protests, riots Turkey, warnings Imam Chamene'is, Yavuz Özoguz | 25 Comments »

Both Stalin and Hitler were financed by the banking mafia ... And aufeinandergehetzt!

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 19/06/2013

Endless steppes, vast wetlands not enough paved roads, dust and heat and bitter cold in the winter, actually a desert. It refers to the region: Western Russia, the Baltics, Belarus, Ukraine, and the majority of Poland. Here on this map below titled as "Russian Desert".

The part of Europe where the major conflicts of the last two world wars, the second better-thirty-year war took place. One area which was thus dominated at different times by the Germans / Nazis and the Russians / Soviets. This means that the hundred million people who lived there, automatically attracted comparisons, which was often a matter of life and death.

Suitable for experiments-for social purposes.

Renate Riemeck, historian, describes in her book: Central Europe, the exact balance of a century "Desert suitable for socialist experiments" in this area as well.

"Behind the plans were inter alia evidenced by the British royal family and the Vatican. So history is being made. Germany has one then systematically driven in two world wars. And communism, both National Socialism were then "tested" as a model. End of quote - (Source: Central Europe, reporting a century)

Even the borders of 1945 are shown in the map of 1890 in about. 55 years ago!

If the card comes from the City of London? Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE," mysterious "Secret services, crisis + wars, quality of life, Lupo Cattivo, lupoCattivoblog, Rothschilds finance soldiers, world domination | Tagged with: advent of Nazism in Germany, Balfour Declaration, Carroll Quigley, DAVID L. Hoggan, the Great War, these articles are a "must" for anyone interested in history, elites or brotherhoods, England and France in 1916, World War I, World War I and the Versailles Peace Treaty, first world war seminal catastrophe, World War I World War II News, experiment communism experiment Nazism, George F. Kennan, Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof, History of Europe, boundaries mapped in 1945, Guido Giacomo Preparata, violent experimented, historian First World War, Map of the City of London, map of 1890, Communism and Hitler financially supported war theater of World War I, Lupo Cattivo - the big bad wolf, machinations and backers, Prof. Antony Sutton (1925 - 2002), Stalin, Hitler financed by the banking mafia, Tragedy and Hope - Disaster and hope seminal catastrophe of the 20th century, conspiracy theory, Wall Street Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Who made Hitler powerful western clubs, as British-American financial elite of the Third Reich, World Zionist Organization | 113 Comments »

Complaint - Stimulate the immediate arrest of Barrack Hussein Obama!

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 18/06/2013

We all see the sunshine boy almost daily images of Obama in the mass media. An ecstatic and quickly growing following gathered around him. From the "Messiah-factor" and the "black Kennedy" is mentioned. Millions of people he casts a spell.

U.S. President Barack Obama arrives today on Tuesday, 18 June 2013, on a working visit to Berlin. He is accompanied by his closest colleagues and his wife Michelle, and probably also his two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

On Wednesday, the 19th June, a comprehensive program is planned, the departure of the U.S. president is expected to take place on Wednesday evening.

Complaint, complaint, suggestion of immediate arrest during the "working visit" of Barrack H. Obama in Berlin.

To a doctor exerting his profession is prohibited, must happen. Alcoholics usually get under the white coats as well as the chance for parole people who have fabricated severe malpractice.

When Dr. med. Wilfried Meissner, specialist of Anatomy, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, the case is different. Neither are the treatment of serious medical errors occur, yet patients have complained massively. What is put to him by the State Administration Office as the competent authority for the load, to put it bluntly a certain distance from reality, which manifests itself in times like mass e-mails he sent as a representative of the "German Institute for Defence totalitarianism".

Office of the German Weimar, the then reads as follows:

"The authority sees himself in the face of anomalies in the behavior of the applicant (Meissner, editor's note) and therefore not entirely distant risk of maltreatment of patients by the applicant is not able to rely the matter without further expert investigation on to . leave "Source:

Also today I received an email from Wilfried Meissner. This e-mail I would like to share the revered reader / interior.

Subject:. Complaint, complaint, suggestion of immediate arrest during the "working visit" of Barrack H. Obama in Berlin. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE," mysterious "| Tagged with: Departure of U.S. President, stimulation of immediate imprisonment," Messiah Factor, "" black Kennedy ", Barack Obama, Barrack H. Obama in Berlin, Berlin. , images of Obama, National Security Agency, NSA, President, complaint, lawsuit | 54 Comments »

There is building a regime a nuclear bomb to wipe out Israel's six million Jewish citizen. "

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 18/06/2013

A few days before the presidential election in Iran, Israel's leaders believed that they could predict the result:

"This so-called election in Iran - unfortunately it will not change anything," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a state visit in Poland.

Before the public appeal backdrop of Auschwitz, he said:

"There is building a regime a nuclear bomb to wipe out Israel's six million Jewish citizen." Six million! Jewish citizens wipe out! Message received?

"... In the presence of the Polish Minister of National Heritage, Bogdan Zdrojewski, as well as Polish and Israeli Holocaust survivor, Netanyahu has at last Thursday the exhibition" opened Shoah "in block 27th This is to classify the events in Auschwitz, where about 1.1 million people were killed in the overall context of the policy of extermination of the German Nazis ... "source (!) Yahoo

The 63-year-old Zionist and Likud politicians called on the world community as well as other sanctions "credible military threats" against Iran. Criticism of the policies of Israel-whether justified or not-is in the German language is still a taboo topic that is increasingly denounced as anti-Semitic. The systematic disenfranchisement of the Palestinians by Israel in nearly all areas of life for many decades, the core problem in the Palestine question. To date, Israel is internationally wrongful occupation policies in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the main obstacle on the way to a peaceful solution. "Netanyahu should put our own house in order," says Maria Lourdes!

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said during a visit to the United States, the election would "bring no change," because ultimately "only has the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, saying," That's right, but why do you have for years sold us Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a dictator - Ahmadinejad was depicted as a criminal in the west and treated as such. The Western media whores turn as the famous 'troop in the wind' - just as it fits into the scheme of them-that no one remembers?

In summary observation: "Media Policy goulash" - Back to the elections in Iran ... Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE," mysterious "Secret services, info war, crises + wars, quality of life, Lupo Cattivo, media, repression, world domination | Tagged with: Exhibition" Shoah, "Bogdan Zdrojewski a taboo subject, a nuclear bomb, wipe troop in the wind, events at Auschwitz, Hassan Rohani, Hassan Rowhani, the Western Front, IRAN, ISRAEL, Israel's six million Jewish citizen criticism of this policy of Israel, Backdrop of the extermination camp Auschwitz mujtahid (jurist), Netanyahu should before own door sweep, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, presidential election in Iran, extermination, elections in Iran, Iranian elections | 65 Comments »

A topic that is still taboo in Germany

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 17/06/2013

A "forced migration" called it the former German President Richard von Weizsäcker, or of "human" forced relocation is mentioned, when it's really about the expulsion of the Germans from the provinces of East and West Prussia, Pomerania, Silesia and the Sudetenland.

An eviction with genocide character!
Who writes about history, can interfere. He can accept no dogma, no prohibition, no taboos.

In a free state, it is not a matter for the government nor the judiciary to define historical truth. The need to have people do it themselves - and the best they have experienced. There is still time for it, when the chances of being able to do that, also are getting smaller. Today only, it is estimated that six percent of people alive who can still tell of their own suffering.

Three million Sudeten Germans are driven from their homes at the end of the Second World War. Hatred and revenge of the Czechs against the Germans discharged - whether they had cooperated with the Nazis or not. 20,000 to 30,000 people are brutally murdered. Some historians even say more than 200,000.

Czechs shot back in the days after the surrender, targeted German civilians on the street after they had herded like cattle. When the German civilians were driven from Czech Revolutionary Guard and Red Army soldiers with whips and rifle butts by the sixth district of Prague, there reigned an atmosphere like on a festival. Women and children looked on, it was drunk and laughed. (Source: here)

German inhabitants of Dobrenz be 19 May 1945 driven by the Czechs to a meadow outside the village, where they were killed and buried .. There are thousands of mass graves German victims of the so-called "wild expulsions" in the first weeks and months after the war about which one does not want to talk.

These victims are officially listed as missing.

The massacre of Dobrenz video documentary

The expulsion from the Sudetenland video documentary

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Published in "mysterious", info war, crises + wars, quality of life, Lupo Cattivo, media, opposition, repression | Tagged with: processes and backgrounds of the expulsion of the Sudeten Germans, General, working, conditions, bestiality expulsion, Education, Churchill, The Massacre of Dobrenz, deportation, the criminal Benes Decrees, the expulsion from the Sudetenland The expulsion from the Sudetenland in color, the decrees issued for the expulsion, through smuggling of displaced transport, history, violence, atrocities, Big Three in Potsdam, Hetzrufe of Radio Prague , famine, and captivity, hunger destruction, Carpathian German, contrasts, war crimes, lack of raw materials and disorganization, massacre Dobrenz, mass executions and massacres, mass atrocities, mistreatment, murder, Potsdam Conference, pillory, robbery and theft, speeches Benes on 12 and 16 May 1945 desecration, Black Mountain, Sudetenland, genocide, Displaced transport "Sudeten Germans" administrative chaos, video archive, Winston Churchill, forced expulsion and ethnic cleansing | 84 Comments »

There! A Red Line - What does that mean exactly, is unclear!

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 16/06/2013

First things first: the use of sarin in Syria for some time in conversation. On 05 June 2013 already appeared the first article of mine, shortly after the taz writes. That was 11 days. At the present time an eternity.

First message: France calls on world community to action! "Irrefutable evidence" of chemical weapons use in Syria.
Second message: Supposedly found evidence of sarin. After France, now claims to have found evidence of a poison gas attack the British government.
Third message: The U.S. government considers the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war for proven and promises the opponents of President Bashar al-Assad openly military support.
What that means exactly is unclear. "The red line has been crossed by the President," said Senator John McCain.

Several hundred U.S. Marines were stationed in the north this week directly from Jordan on the Syrian border, writes the British newspaper "The Times" on Saturday. This quota is to help "the West the way for arms sales to Syria insurgents" hedge. As a cover for the deployment was a joint US-Jordanian military exercise. After completing this exercise, the Marines will remain for several months in this room, the newspaper said. (Source: here - left graph Erl)

Damascus is the contention of the United States, the Syrian troops would use chemical weapons against the opposition, as lies, the Syrian state news agency SANA reported, citing a statement by the Syrian Foreign Ministry on Friday. (Source for this:

The rendering of military assistance to one of the conflicting parties in Syria will not be conducive to the settlement in the country. That said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday (local time) in New York for U.S. intention to arm the anti-government forces in Syria. "A military solution to the Syrian problem does not exist. Good is only a political solution, "Ban told the press. He called on interested parties to contribute to the implementation of the Russian-American initiative to convene an international conference with the participation of representatives of the government and the opposition in Syria.

"I have read the U.S. Declaration on the use of warfare in Syria. But at this stage I will not comment, "Ban said. That was the thing of UN members to publish this or that information. However, information on a chemical weapons use are worthless without evidence (source: here). In this context, the Secretary-General spoke out one more time for UN inspections in the Syrian territory.

To clarify: read The Power of the Israel lobby in the U.S. the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE," mysterious "Secret services, info war, crises + wars Lupo Cattivo, lupoCattivoblog, media, opposition, repression, world domination | Tagged with:" humanitarian war "against Syria, Assad using chemical weapons? civil war in Syria, evidence of sarin, chemical weapons use in Syria, Carla del Ponte, the opposition and not the government "C-arms, the red line, the red line of the President, the red line of the President has been exceeded, A Red Line, use of sarin in Syria, French reporter confirm poison gas used poison gas inserts, instructions on the use of poison gas in Syria, instructions for poison gas attacks by the Assad Army, no indisputable evidence that red line is exceeded, and you think it's about a dictator, UN Special Commission for investigation of human rights violations, Irrefutable evidence "of chemical weapons | 61 Comments»

Jürgen Möllemann: The lie of the century, the only insiders know.

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 15/06/2013

"I know that some clapped at my jumps only as long as the parachute was." Jürgen Möllemann (1945-2003)

Exactly 10 years after the death Möllemanns makes a mysterious letter from the FDP politician and Möllemann friend, Wolfgang Kubicki, stir. For the Lowbrow information like this that felt then followed and watched Möllemann be new, because according to media reports, there is nothing on the suicide theory to shake. Really interesting is the statement of Kubicki against the tabloid: "He thought they wanted him to the leather."

To determine which conceal the mainstream media once again, the events of that time you have to recall it. One might have the impression that time, Jürgen Möllemann had become public enemy No. 1. In fact, tax evasion and breach of party financing law he was accused of, so things are not uncommon in political circles and occurred already plenty. So the question arises, what Jürgen Möllemann has actually done to apply the German political landscape and the media against him.

In fact, Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE," mysterious "| Tagged with: German-Arab Society, secret service Mossad, Israel visit Westerwelle in May 2002, Jürgen Möllemann, Jürgen Möllemann public enemy No. 1, Jürgen Möllemann: The century-lie, mainstream media again conceal once, man with no name, Möllemanns death, Sabine Christiansen, understanding of the Palestinians | 34 Comments »

On the issue of Russian sovereignty.

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 14/06/2013

Germany was "since 8 May 1945 at no time been more fully sovereign ", expressed Wolfgang Schäuble, Federal Minister of Finance, to the assembled bankers of the European Banking Congress on 18 November 2011.

That was almost a nod of the state before the new sovereign of borderless capitalism. In "Europe" sovereignty was already "long absurdity."

If Germany is not sovereign, then there is another state or a community or a person or group of persons any power over Germany and Wolfgang Schauble is its or their agent and not representative of the German people.

Rather it serves foreign interests. This can no longer hide. How does it look from there in Russia?

"Russia does not even have the sovereignty to the level of Germany or France," says our commentator and 'Russian translators' Bombrom.

Commentator Bombrom: To the question, and the whole issue of sovereignty not only in Russia but also in other both US-British client states (such as Germany or France), as well as in their colonies you (such as Russia, which not even the sovereignty has on the level of Germany or France, but must pay out of their budget tribute payments result of the lost "cold" war in the form of so-called stabilization fund, among other things also to European countries, even more, their status according to purely law, inter alia have no wholesale entrepreneurship within the country because of the high interest rate policy of the "Russian" Central Bank plus also must not develop high technology and many others), I hereby adopt the translation I created the last interviews of Yevgeny Fedorov from 09.06.2013. (Commentator Bombrom in which Maria Lourdes thanks for the translation of the text.)

Yevgeny Fedorov (right) is a Russian politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation during four legislative periods (1993-1996, 2003-2011, 2011 to present), the chairman of the Committee for Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship of the State Duma.

Member of the Central Political Council of the party "United Russia" (logo left). The Annual State Advisor of the Russian Federation.

He is among other things also the founder of the movement "National Liberation Movement" and "The People's Front," and one of the founders of the party "The national rate." He is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989). He is also the inventor and has more than 40 patents for his inventions.

Furthermore, the interview - absolutely worth reading, says Maria Lourdes! Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE, Lupo Cattivo, lupoCattivoblog, media, Rothschild financial Soldiers | Tagged with: Afghanistan, The National Course, The Popular Front, Yevgeny Fedorov, Yevgeny Fedorov, Russian politician, commentator Bombrom, National Liberation Movement, Sovereignty Russia, Wolfgang Schäuble | 69 Comments »

I am not worthy to talk about Adolf Hitler with a loud voice ...

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 13/06/2013

And ... to any maudlin shipping companies invite his life and his work not one.

He was a fighter for humanity and a preacher of the message of justice for all nations. He was a reformist figure of the highest order and his historical fate was that he had to act in a time of unprecedented baseness, which knocked him down in the end.

(Knut Hamsun, Norwegian writer and Nobel Literature Prize winner in 1920)

"... In a large old villa on the outskirts of Vienna, there are the vineyards of Kahlenberg a nice basement, where the higher American officers gathered very happy after the Second World War in the evening. A tavern, you could have said all around painted between the rafters with ornaments.

The owner, the beautiful Princess Wittgenstein led me into it and asked me to look at the paintings critical and only then read the artfully painted in between spells. I looked at everything very carefully and said, without somehow be informed: "It seems to me that the painter at the same time a sense of architecture - especially for certain natural laws, such as the" golden section "has because everything fits so great . together "-" That's very interesting, "said the princess," and now you shall read the sayings ".

I read - I literally can not but reflect more exactly, mutatis mutandis:

"I know that my life will be a very unusual, extraordinary, but the end will be a disaster!"

The Princess, by no means a National Socialist, now told me: "All of this has an apprentice painted and written. Even the words are so amazing they come exclusively from him. And here is the receipted invoice, which I found in the old records, on which is written, that all work was done by a painter's apprentice named Adolf Hitler.

These were ornaments, words, and thoughts that have nothing whatsoever to do with violence - that was the expression of a very deep emotional life - or if we want to call it absolutely right name: it was something Faustian (Faustian: deep searching, wrestling; awesome) in this ultimately always enigmatic people ... "(Source: Friedrich Christian, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe - Was Hitler a dictator - S 14)

President Roosevelt: "The entire German people must be hammered home that the whole nation was involved in the lawless conspiracy against the civilization of the modern world."

The blows this "hammer" effect even today. The collective guilt of the Germans on Hitler's regime is on the verge of becoming a kind of state religion in Germany. Complex loading and mentally twisted characters in the so-called "political correctness," we see a society that shall humble himself to meet them all. (Source: The cult of guilt)

Germany has for the two forced world wars (here, here and here) of the last century, astronomical amounts of reparations, restitution, development, integration of foreigners and allowances and for similar tasks done, partly forced and overpowered the war, partly from excessive remorse and Bußhaltung. (Here and here)

And so we have reached the crux of the problem, because the worldwide defamation of all that is German, has not begun at the time of Hitler. It is not true that this has been caused by him, his party, his plans and actions. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE, crises + wars, quality of life, Lupo Cattivo, lupoCattivoblog, media, Rothschild financial Soldiers | Tagged with: and overpowered the wars, the integration of foreigners, the global slander, a time of unprecedented baseness, end up being a disaster be development aid, lawless conspiracy fighter for humanity, the core of the problem, Knut Hamsun, Norwegian writer, complex loading, cult of guilt, Literature Nobel Prize winner in 1920, painter's apprentice named Adolf Hitler, bent mentally, Political Correctness, President Roosevelt, reformative shape of the highest order, reparations, remorse and Bußhaltung, blame the Germans on Hitler regime, herald the message of law, defamation of the German Reich, Hitler was a dictator, reparations | 79 Comments »

The Western world does not follow a clear double standard but inhuman morality.

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 12/06/2013

If one wants to recognize the special opportunities to approach truth that present themselves every citizen in our time, so you have the existing study, compare, and evaluate "deals" without prejudice.

Some thoughts about elections in Iran and the dance around the golden calf. (Source: An article by Mehmet Yavuz Özoguz)

I consciously write this before the upcoming presidential elections in Iran, and not wait until the result from, because for me as a non-Iranians, the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran is more of a secondary importance.

He is the president of the citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran, must be according to the Constitution of Iranian citizens and its mission field is focused on the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In contrast, the imam, the governor of command, the Wali-ul-Amr and Wali-ul-Faqih is a religious leader, whose charisma and effect are not limited to the borders of a country. Accordingly, it needs to be no Iranians under the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Regarding the allegations of the Western world, the elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran are undemocratic, I read a nice article to which I refer here, since the content of those allegations should not be the content of my shared thoughts: Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE, Lupo Cattivo, lupoCattivoblog, Media | Tagged with:" invisible "hand of the British Empire, Think still politically incorrect to recognize the true goals of their own system for free elections in Germany, Iran God blessing, now settled Kare Inglise, Mehmet Yavuz Özoguz, Politically Incorrect, presidential election in Iran, revolution for the liberation of the people, undemocratic from a Western perspective means "unwestlich" people's parties without the people, elections in Iran are not undemocratic |! 45 Comments »

As a spark and the Golan sufficient fire!

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 11/06/2013

"Given the complicated situation that arises today in the Golan Heights, we could replace the Austrian contingent, which draws from the region, at the dividing line between the Israeli forces and the Syrian army," Putin said on Friday at a meeting with senior Russian military in Moscow.

"Of course, only in the case when the states of the region are interested in us and if the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon asks for it."

Russia is considering a peacekeeping mission in the Middle East, writes the "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" on Monday. Source: RIAN

Should the UN Security Council of the Russian deployment of a peacekeeping contingent to agree on the Golan Heights, is most likely a trained on Peace Operations Association 31 Brigade of the Russian Airborne troops sent there. The soldiers of the Russian airborne troops have already experience when used in conflict regions. Many officers of the 31 Brigade were used in peacekeeping operations in Kosovo and Abkhazia, and South Ossetia conflict in August 2008. Some of the soldiers protecting Russian military objects and the Embassy in Kyrgyzstan during the riots in the summer of 2010. In addition, the airborne troops attack helicopters Mi-8 and Mi-24 attack helicopters are available.

Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said on Saturday that Russia is considering the deployment of some 300 UN peacekeepers in the buffer zone between Israel and Syria. According to Churkin, the UNDOF mission must be supported on the Golan Heights by air forces - as already happens with operations in Angola, Sierra Leone, etc. was the case.

"The airborne forces have been commissioned peace tasks. I was an eyewitness of several missions in Kosovo and other hot spots. I am convinced that they fulfill their duties in the Middle East, "said Colonel General Leonid Ivashov.

From the Kremlin and the Defense Ministry stated that the Russian air country troops were an important part of peacekeepers in conflict zones. "We will continue to cooperate with our partners in UN peace operations," said Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian contingent to Golan for Israel acceptable Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE, Secret Services, info war, crises + wars Lupo Cattivo, media, repression, world domination | Tagged with: 300 peacekeepers in the buffer zone, part of the peacekeepers, UN peacekeepers on the Golan Heights, the" Golan burning, "the Russian air country troops, a powder keg, Faina Kirschenbaum, peacekeeping contingent Golan, Golan Heights, internal political situation in Turkey, Israel and Syria, mass media with their propaganda, Mänöver in all regions of the Levant, false flag operation, Russia's return to the Middle East , Russian warships off Tartus, Russian contingent to Golan acceptable to Israel, Russia is considering a peacekeeping operation, the UN Security Council cease-fire between Israel and Syria fragile Western countries in the Persian Gulf equip | 32 Comments »

Our politicians evoke peace and pursue the war!

Posted by Maria Lourdes - 10/06/2013

Politics, industry, banks who benefited from the war? Our politicians evoke peace and pursue the war: Germany is the world's third largest exporter of weapons and is not afraid deliveries to rogue regimes and dictators.

Jürgen Graesslin reveals who are the beneficiaries of this war economy, he calls industrial companies by name, he shows who approved the exports in politics and how the banks finance all this. High Explosive Facts, profoundly researched an eye opener, as our country is deeply enmeshed in the global killing machine.

Worthy of mention companies such as Heckler & Koch, Mauser, or EADS, Rheinmetall - but Mercedes-Benz.

The conclusion: "German weapons, German money, kill in the world," is more relevant than ever. The actual weapons of mass destruction on the battlefields of this world but are then not the big killer machines like fighter jets, frigates, submarines or tanks, even if you do bomb dealings with them relevant are those handguns, weapons small caliber.

Pistols, automatic rifles. 95% of people who are killed in armed conflicts to come through these lightweight small arms around, and Germany's export champions in this discipline and holds a global market share of 11%.

The argument that if we do not provide others is not only inhumane, but also wrong. Fact is, the German "engineering" industry always provides. Especially if other European partners such transactions rejected for ethical reasons before.

The fatal to small arms such as Rapid-fire guns, the career throughout their lives.

They are used in location A, collected again after the war, and sent to the hotspot B. A German gun holds on average 50 years and can kill or maim as countless Meschen.

To top it all German small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch as have been transferred from the Black Forest to grant licenses to States to help in this connection, to lift there modern armories from the baptism.
Thus, Heckler & Koch introduced an advanced production plant turnkey rifle in the sand of Saudi Arabia.

While there is always a contract which establishes the so-called final destination of the weapons produced under license, you can only check these contracts not in reality.

But even when holding a State of the deal with a German arms manufacturer, that's no guarantee that the German guns are not eventually used against German soldiers. As a license production for the G3 in Iran in 1967, agreed. This rapid fire rifle is produced apart from the AK 47 Soviet-made, the war equipment most commonly used and is still in Iran. At the time of the Shah of Persia, today the mullahs.

No man knows, when it comes to German arms deals, better than Jürgen Graesslin. KenFM led to the technical author and a half hour conversation about his latest book, "Black Book arms trade - How Germany earned on war." Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in "D (E) ÄMOKRATIE," mysterious "Secret services, info war, crises + wars Lupo Cattivo, lupoCattivoblog | Tagged with: banks who benefited from the war, German guns, German money, Germany is the world's third largest arms exporter, the German weapons, arms exports, industry, Jürgen Graesslin, cocaine and weapons, politics, black book trade in arms, Deadly Cargo, kill all over the world, arms companies and their owners, the arms trade, arms manufacturers, weapons Republic of Germany | 19 Comments »

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