Saturday, 22 June 2013

I am not worthy to talk about Adolf Hitler with a loud voice ...

And ... to any maudlin shipping companies invite his life and his work not one.

He was a fighter for humanity and a preacher of the message of justice for all nations. He was a reformist figure of the highest order and his historical fate was that he had to act in a time of unprecedented baseness, which knocked him down in the end.

(Knut Hamsun, Norwegian writer and Nobel Literature Prize winner in 1920)

"... In a large old villa on the outskirts of Vienna, there are the vineyards of Kahlenberg a nice basement, where the higher American officers gathered very happy after the Second World War in the evening. A tavern, you could have said all around painted between the rafters with ornaments.

The owner, the beautiful Princess Wittgenstein led me into it and asked me to look at the paintings critical and only then read the artfully painted in between spells. I looked at everything very carefully and said, without somehow be informed: "It seems to me that the painter at the same time a sense of architecture - especially for certain natural laws, such as the" golden section "has because everything fits so great . together "-" That's very interesting, "said the princess," and now you shall read the sayings ".

I read - I literally can not but reflect more exactly, mutatis mutandis:

"I know that my life will be a very unusual, extraordinary, but the end will be a disaster!"

The Princess, by no means a National Socialist, now told me: "All of this has an apprentice painted and written. Even the words are so amazing they come exclusively from him. And here is the receipted invoice, which I found in the old records, on which is written, that all work was done by a painter's apprentice named Adolf Hitler.

These were ornaments, words, and thoughts that have nothing whatsoever to do with violence - that was the expression of a very deep emotional life - or if we want to call it absolutely right name: it was something Faustian (Faustian: deep searching, wrestling; awesome) in this ultimately always enigmatic people ... "(Source: Friedrich Christian, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe - Was Hitler a dictator - S 14)

President Roosevelt: "The entire German people must be hammered home that the whole nation was involved in the lawless conspiracy against the civilization of the modern world."

The blows this "hammer" effect even today. The collective guilt of the Germans on Hitler's regime is on the verge of becoming a kind of state religion in Germany. Complex loading and mentally twisted characters in the so-called "political correctness," we see a society that shall humble himself to meet them all. (Source: The cult of guilt)

Germany has for the two forced world wars (here, here and here) of the last century, astronomical amounts of reparations, restitution, development, integration of foreigners and allowances and for similar tasks done, partly forced and overpowered the war, partly from excessive remorse and Bußhaltung. (Here and here)

And so we have reached the crux of the problem, because the worldwide defamation of all that is German, has not begun at the time of Hitler. It is not true that this has been caused by him, his party, his plans and actions.

It is true that the defamation of the German Reich and people already started, as the Empire thought connected by Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian, all German people offered a tremendous opportunity. The more the slanderers themselves with all their hatred of the emperor and his princes concentrated - and then later on Adolf Hitler and his movement - the more it was great and only goal is the destruction of the kingdom and the complete overthrow of the German people.

The methodology of defamation can be a clear example and see again and again. Why else would get upset because this very same circles at all when other states, other political powers, other people much, much worse things to do than what is imputed to our people?

The history of the Germans to have nothing whatever to compare in the slightest would be with the Inquisition, with the English and the French Revolution, the Russian revolutions and with everything German has been done after the armistice of some victors us - and I must expressly mention that I also believe that these victors are by no means the guilty, but that the culprit is almost always that-more or less-anonymous fighting power that works exclusively with defamation and incitement - and for over a hundred years ( see picture - forces behind Roosevelt - or here, here and here)!

It is this power does not work systematically for a country and a country, but always internationally. The limitless abuse of democracy in many countries of this world offers that international criminal gang of agitators and detractors any possibility of large parts of humanity to terrorize, that soon it may no longer people, but only a "mass man" is, which according to taste can barter.

Because our people were so good and efficient and considered, it stands as the number one on the hit list of those detractors for decades. A Europe without the German Empire is no longer the "West". And it is the materialism increasingly decaying humanity needs an "Occident".

"It is possible that the German once but disappears from the world stage, because he has all the qualities to acquire the sky, but no one to compete on earth, and all nations hate him like the evil the good guys. But if it really even manage to oust him, a state is created in which they want to scratch him with her nails from the grave. "(Hebbel, diaries, January 4, 1860)

And that brings me to the "dictator" Hitler.

Today he is - thanks to the enemy propaganda - all over the world as the prototype of the dictator, ie the "autocrat".

Benito Mussolini must also be called the "Duce" only admired Hitler and Mussolini tried to imitate him. In the end, it was Mussolini who looked up to Hitler and tried to benefit from its successes.

The dictatorship may be exercised by an individual or a group (party dictatorship), writes after 1945 the great Bertelsmann Lexikon.

(Quote :)

"After its origin from the Roman republic dictatorship regarded as an order to eliminate certain calamities (war, civil war), their duration is so temporary, tied their exercise to certain rules. In modern history, the dictatorship is closely connected with the advent of modern constitutions. Both in the English Revolution of 1642/49 as in the French from 1789/99 ended the original liberal grassroots movement in the dictatorship that here not of individuals but of certain groups and not in order, but their own absolute power, citing religious motives or the right of popular sovereignty was exercised. Again, the dictatorship was viewed as a temporary measure to the emergence of a new sex and the eradication of the old, corrupt generation, but they ended up in the autocracy of a Cromwell or Napoleon.

This ... is often overlooked that even the modern criminal law knows the provisional dictatorship as emergency measure, the Weimar Constitution (§ 48) - also enabling act ....

... A form of government in which the exercise of state power is summarized in the top jurisdiction in a State organ (so) at first but in the Third Reich at the State Cabinet, and later the head of state, in the Soviet Union in the Parliament, which probably performed a separation of powers, for organizational reasons, not the principle of force inhibition is achieved ...

The dictatorship ... is regularly totalitarian state, whereas in the present only rarely absolute State,. Rather outweighs the constitutional dictatorship "(end of quote)

If in case Hitler could ever be of "dictatorship" are mentioned, in my opinion only of a constitutional dictatorship, because he acted primarily on key issues never quite alone, far mostly under the relevant laws and in agreement with the national government. In special cases, he has let the people know, vote and then directed (Saarland, Hindenburg's successor, Enabling Act) - whether by referendum, whether by the Reichstag. He would certainly 1933 can come to power without a vote in the Reichstag. But he put himself and his government under the decision of the old Reichstag, where many voted for him, who-like Adenauer-it meant the later Federal President Theodor Heuss and Chancellor determines honest and gave him the voice, without belonging to the Nazi Party.

Hitler himself never imagined to have the power of a dictator. Be taken in the war concession "... if one of us has the power of a dictator, it is Roosevelt - who has in his country to say much more than I have in my ...", in my opinion says a lot. Stalin and he considered much more powerful than Roosevelt.

"When Hitler moved into the palace of the president, he made a number of structural improvements. Above all, it did not fit the horribly old-fashioned bathroom Hindenburg. So he let modernize the facility without causing special costs. As he told the Court that he must bear the costs themselves and also he had no permission to change. Hitler argued that the age-old institution of the bathroom would have to disappear anyway. He was also of the opinion that the Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor surely should decide on a bath alone so will not waste unnecessary time. He then, as far as I know, pays the cost of his private fortune. After all, the palace was owned by the state ...

It was ... at about the same time when Hitler my wife and I - showed, among other things, his bedroom - at our request. It was a bit dark, quite simply furnished rooms with a rather old-fashioned, certainly not very comfortable bed. Above it hung a picture of his mother, which he - probably for a photo - had to paint. He said it was very similar and one of very few in memory of his family that he had, he depended very much and look forward every day to own it. This rather spartan room was certainly not a part of excesses of any kind, as they have been imputed to him by traders. In the years 1922/35, my wife and I often several times a week, but at least once or twice a night with him in his private apartment in the so-called New Reich Chancellery. The apartment was spacious, but impersonal. He did not like them. They sat together around a large, low, round table - in chairs or on chairs, got served tea and pastries and small sandwiches "(Source: Friedrich Christian, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe - Was Hitler a dictator - S 13).

... "It is often said nowadays that Hitler did not let others have their say. Just the opposite was true. He asked the others to tell something of their lives, etc. He made jokes to lighten the conversation and move others to join. But if that absolutely did not succeed and he was eventually asked by all, but to tell yourself, as it is interesting in many respects - then he gave in and told for hours. And I must say, it was very often a great experience, because the man had a very interesting life already behind. Looking back, he saw everything with an unlikely objectivity and therefore astounding modesty. I know many will not believe me - I can not change, however. I do not write to please anyone, but to serve the truth. Can I do that I have never known the bad Hitler? I would have to invent an even worse? Who I'd help with that? Certainly not my people, and in the long run even his enemies ...

Very ... I knew many famous and well known artists, politicians, statesmen, many reigning monarchs - I might almost say, "around the world". With many of them were my friends - as well as friends with many completely unknown workers, peasants and soldiers. But - as a man like Adolf Hitler, there has been even remotely a second time in my opinion. It is very hard to write about it without being laughed at or even suspected, but if I honestly and true to testify - and that's what it's all me, all the rest would be not only useless, but also bad - I have to admit that he has been very definitely a very extraordinary person. I have asked myself many times, and in all seriousness, if this man has ever compare with other people - or if you have to look at it from an entirely different point of view "(source:. Friedrich Christian, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe - Was Hitler a dictator - S 13)

Friedrich Christian, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe (born January 5, 1906 in Bückeburg † September 20, 1983 in Wasserburg am Inn) was a German nobleman and high-ranking Nazi official. After the end of the Second World War, he became known as Geschichtsrevisionist.

You may book: Was Hitler a dictator-free read-online or order here.

Links and Resources-Literature:

The "New World Order conspiracy" is a "religious conspiracy" and in her heart bears this conspiracy Satanism! The so-called "Feast of the Beast" is one of the best places to meet representatives of all "I3 Satanic bloodlines." This meeting takes place every 28 years. All the leading families of the Illuminati hierarchy are combined with the satanic rituals this "Feast of the Beast." Here Satan appears his subordinates and himself. In this particular meeting Satan granted [...] more here

Does it really make any difference? "Making the world safer," said Woodrow Wilson in 1917 and sent his "boys" to Belgium and France, because of the evil German Hun chopping off the arms of the children! Nearly a century has passed and the world was not safe despite numerous wars. The list of U.S. presidents, the "Wilson's slogan" transpose into action long. Hundred [...] more here

Illuminati members: the leading Illuminati families and their members and allies - who are the members of the leading Illuminati families and who are their allies? It is a very difficult task for a Nachforscher in the field of satanism and the world conspiracy, in fact, to make the various powerful families find that belong to the Illuminanten. The axis is absolutely indisputable, the longer you investigating [...] more here

Allied annihilation and extermination plans against Germany - Germaniam eat delendam - Allied eradication and extermination plans against Germany. Germany must perish - which Germany plans Theodore N. Kaufman. more here

The silent dictatorship - The disappearance of freedom - It rules the political correctness, and it is covered with tough penalties if the person makes use of the basic right of freedom of use, and says what he thinks. more here

Allied war crimes and crimes against humanity - to 6,000 affidavits set forth herein are based around 2,000 war crimes against German soldiers and civilians, a tiny detail of hundreds of thousands of crimes, torture, rapes and massacres by the victors. This book shall lie against the unilateral effectively against Germany. more here

The looted Republic - The shocking truth behind the crisis - It is incredible: billions are pumped into the tottering financial system, provided ludicrous amounts for economic aid and tax breaks - and the culprits of the crisis just continue as before. At the same time, more and more break away jobs, the communities lack basic necessities and more and more people slip into bankruptcy. Even our children will still need to pay for the greed of bankers and the inability of compliant politicians. But the anger over the massive redistribution from bottom to top grows. more here

The lion awakes - The discovery of a global conspiracy for 20 years David Icke documented the incredible secrets of a hidden elite, and reveals in his books and lectures, their secret plans. In this day forward he answered the important questions: What is the reality? Who really controls the processes in the world? Who are we? Where are we? How does political manipulation? How is our reality manipulated? more here

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